Good morning everyone, need some help, or guidance, or I’m not even sure what to call it at this point as I’m truly just lost.

I currently live in Florida, and my fiancee of 2 years just told me Friday she is no longer in love with me. We have 2 beautiful children 1 is mine with her which just turned 6 yo. And one came with her the boy now 11 (Took over when he was 4) that had a deadbeat father that I manned up and took over to give the kid a real father figure. We’ve been together going on 8 years.

After 8 years I think her switch had flipped. We argue occasionally like any relationship does but it did start to become a bit unhealthy and we both acknowledged the fact that it was and we’ve been working on that each and every day.

In light of the recent revelations, her attitude has changed completely. She wants space to “figure” things out. Is completely mean to me with anything I say or do. Ex. I try to be sweet and make her coffee, or write on the bathroom mirror in dry erase, that “I still love you.”

We don’t have a lot of family down here in Brevard, Florida, as they moved Jacksonville earlier in the year. I told her we need our family, we need a support structure, and we need it now! Not only to help babysit our kids for possible date nights that will allow us to have quality time together. But to allow us some stress free time alone.

We have been planning to move for sometime however hadn’t until this week moved much. She just landed a new job up there as of Friday, and my father is a General Contrator and is setting up my own business in the trade which I have extensive background in.

As of yesterday I just submitted formal notice to break our lease and we are moving to an larger apartment from a home currently. With a temporary 6 month lease, so she can leave if she feels she needs to. No idea where yet due to how fast she seems to be progressing. All I know, or feel is the faster I can get there with Family, the faster I might be able to help save her, because to me she’s worth it. And I’ll will literally let everything go in my life, if that means being able to keep her.

However, the absolute hardest part about this, and perhaps there are some ladies in here that could also offer support or even just an ear for me to vent to, or ask advice. Literally 10 days ago, she was telling me she loved me and calling me babe, etc. Now, nothing. I don’t get the any heart emojis in my text like we all love on occasion and I leave her alone throughout the entire day, I’ll see her when we get home from work kind of thing. Yesterday, when we talked on the phone about the move, she slipped when we said goodbye on the phone and said, “Love u.” I was so excited like something I’m doing is working. But when she came home I was crushed, when I asked her about it she said it was “habit”. It crushed me. Ruined all my hope. And just contributes to this numb feeling.

We both wear wedding rings and I’ve told her I’ll keep trying until she takes hers off. We’ve talked about how myself, as still a younger, attractive, energetic male, requires companionship. In order for me to love or feel loved, I need to touch, I need to have sex, i need to grab hand occasionally while watching netflix kinda thing, just as any real long term relationship needs. But because of that, I move on quickly after break-ups. Aka, a previous divorce to which I had met her. Whom, until now, has been amazing!..

During the talk of having needs, I said, “Let’s go have sex”, it’s been 8 days or 10 days ish and we both are stressed we need it! We did, and it was amazing. But she said it felt wrong and weird even though it was amazing.

I’m so lost in this, I need people to talk to. I need a friend or companion that I can reach out to for advice. I know this sounds crass, and im not a cheater at all, but I have debated on getting on the dating site and talking to other women. As perhaps I’ll realize quickly, there is someone who would want to love me.

I need that affection and that type of friendship I always have my whole life. When I asked her if she wanted me to have sex with other women, she kind of said “yeah…no…not sure”. When asked why she still wears her ring, she states it’s because of my family and she will have no way to move to Jacksonville without them for her new job. In response, I tell her then that is something, and even if she doesn’t know why she wears it I’m going to try. But it’s just sooo different. And I’m really struggling with all of this and not sure whom or wear to turn to.

I’m sorry for the very long post and hope it’s easy to understand. I just really need some help and advice from everyone or even a friend to chat with. On what I should or should not be doing. I want to tell her I love her so bad and just to touch her or, even perhaps TMI eat her heart out. But I can’t….. and it’s killing me.

Between my kids, the sex, the love, the affection. I don’t know what to do.

Thank you in advance to all my fellow redditors / potential new friends that reach out and offer advice. I thank you and sincerely appreciate any advice by both women and men.

  1. In 5 years time, you will find a woman you’ll fall in love with madly and passionately.

    It’s hard to let go of a 8 year relationship because you’re used to each other and have lots of memories together, but she is not the woman who was meant for you.

    Time heals all wounds, stand your ground. You’ll wonder why you stayed in this dead bedroom relationship for so long…the first 6 months of the end of a relationship is the hardest, then it gets easier after that

  2. Man to man, you need to chill. I’m sure that doesn’t sound nice or feasible but from what I’m reading, you’re working against yourself. DM me if you want

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