ladies, who end up dating their crush, how was it?

  1. I was with my crush for 3 years and even got engaged to him… then he left me for my best friend!

  2. We’re married.

    Isn’t dating your crush basically how 99% of people start dating? Like you don’t generally date your arch nemesis do you?

  3. Last one? He lied about something so stupid and unnecessary, when I confronted him – he ghosted me. 😅

  4. TW: sexual assault, attempted suicide

    I didn’t have a crush until I was 31. I was homeless and refused from shelters when I met her on a car forum with like 20 active members. Everyone else had given up on me.

    I asked her if she was interested in talking while at a starbucks. She responded positively and we ended up dating a week later. I didn’t tell her I was homeless- I had been living off of the kindness of others, stolen food, and showering at 24 hour gyms to stay clean. We internrt dated for four months before my 32nd birthday, June 6th of 2020. She convinced her folks to give me a chance. I moved down and we got engaged in August of the same year. They gave me a chance and I fucked up almost immediately. I beat myself up for five months. Then I got a job. I lost it when a religious fuckboy came in and gave me some shit. I couldn’t refuse the urge to fight and i lost my cool and my job. A few weeks later, my then-girlfriend’s mom kicked me out.

    But it didn’t end there.

    My fiancée believed in me. She chose me and uncettainty over her family. We packed everything up into her miata and moved in with her cousins for three weeks. I got a job the first week. Then I got a full time job. I quit the prior and started working full time night shift. I got us a rental for six months and got sexually assaulted by my manager in the women’s resroom during night shift. I reported it and got fired the same day for doing so.

    I told my fiancée I didn’t feel worthy of her. I got mad and started self-sabotaging.I jumped in front of a semi but jumped too early, fell down and somehow didn’t get hit.

    Her parent’s took us back in after hearing the story. I got another job at a dollar store, then quit cus they were playing games with my hours.

    I now work for Mercedes-Benz building their new suvs. If you order a New GL today, I may have my hands on it before you do.

    I’m still engaged to her now. We’re taking care of some things before planning the wedding.

    Did I mention I was my now 30 year old fiancée’s first date at 28, first time, and first true love?

    We’re saving up for a house right now.

  5. I feel like everyone I’ve dated has been my crush at some point? It’s hit or miss but I’m with a keeper so that’s all that matters.

  6. A male high school crush, be ended up being a super abusive, gaslighting, peice of garbage. Rarely are they actually as good as your super biased brain sees them.

  7. Happened to me 3 times. I admired them from afar and thought it would never happen. Went out with all 3 of them, all 3 of them cheated on me LMAO

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