I’m kinda curious as to how does someone ”finds his place”. Recently I’ve noticed that my family or my friends have some sort of connection between them, like how they do things together or talk about things, it’s what I would describe as “fitting in” inside a group. Things that doesn’t happen to me, like how the may talk about their lifes or how they are doing, I do have chats with them but they are a lot less interesting and die really fast, it’s like there’s nothing in them, don’t really know how to explain it.
This leaves me with a sensation of not “fitting in” like i don’t belong there, nowhere really, it kinda bugs me, but it’s not really an issue, I love the time I spend doing whatever I want, but sometimes I kinda get a little lonely, like I got nothing.
So that lead me to ask how does somenone “fit in” or even better, how does someone finds a place where they belong to?

  1. You start with making a friend. You don’t just suddenly ‘fit in’ to a group without making a close connection with someone first. That can go for family groups as well as friend groups. Pick someone, and start working on developing a better one-on-one relationship.

  2. I used to focus a lot on how I could “fit in” to groups. But now I say “how can I make friends?” This means forming Individual bonds with people rather than fitting into the group as a whole. Try to make plans with people in the group individually and try to get to know them rather than focusing on infiltrating the group as a whole.

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