So I (24F) met a guy (28M) on a dating app, I asked to hang out and it went well. He got sick afterwards and I had surgery unfortunately. He ghosted me for a week and then said he had been in the hospital. This is where the red flags came, he sent me an old picture of him in the hospital. I confronted him and he apologized, explained so I gave him a second chance. We talk every other day, and we’ve hung out a second time. He’s a gentleman in person and more than I could ask for.
We had a third date planned but he canceled due to work, but in some ways I feel like maybe he’s not being 100% truthful. I don’t have any reason to not believe it yet so I’m going to assume he’s saying the truth. And we aren’t exclusive yet so I cannot get upset if there’s other people. Im sad and cried a little that he canceled our plans since earlier today I had asked him what time he was available and he gave me a time.
I just can’t read how he’s feeling. There’s two sides of him, one in person and one where we aren’t hanging out.
Some things that seemed off is he brung up marriage and how much he likes me. He’s mentioned his ex in a hostile way, kinda of as if he’s upset about it. We haven’t gone all the way just mostly fooling around, and I’ve slept over once. Not sure how I should be handling this situation.

1 comment
  1. Three dates is too early to be this invested in him. Especially after he ghosts and gives some bullshit excuse.

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