I’m a 21M in community college and will be transferring to a state school soon, and a girl from school I know with a similar trajectory that flirts with me and is my type, but she is a lot older than I thought. I would have guessed she was around 19-21, but she’s 29 going on 30. Even though I like women that age most, in my experience, only women with a screw loose would date a guy that much younger than them.

How should I take this from here? Moving onto someone else would not be the end of the world, but I would have no problem with the age because I like older ladies.

  1. Whoa there partner, based on language in your title or body text it seems like you may be making a huge generalization or have an agenda.
    Send the mods a message and we will help you reword your post to adhere to our [rules](https://new.reddit.com/r/dating/about/rules).

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  2. I think that maybe its good to not worry too much about the age gap. Maybe just explore it and see where it goes. If it doesn’t bother either of you and you are good together then go with it. Don’t overthink it, and just explore. Have fun!

  3. Don’t let the outside world dictate what’s too big an age gap. As long as your both happy that’s all that matters. Good luck!

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