What matters to you most when dating: having comfortable silence with someone, or being totally compatible(and no comfy silence)? Why?

  1. That doesn’t even make sense as a dichotomy to me. It’s very important to both be totally compatible and have comfortable silences. If we can’t be comfortably silent together, then we’re not compatible.

  2. I’m not going to have a legitimate comfortable silence with someone I’m not totally compatible with, and I’m not totally compatible with someone I can’t have comfortable silence with lol

  3. This question doesn’t make sense to me. There’s no reason I would have to choose between these two things.

  4. Having comfortable silence. If we can coexist in the same space while doing separate activities then I’d say we’re pretty compatible anyway. Whenever I’m watching sports on tv my gf will join me on the couch and play her Switch. We rarely talk, just coexist.

  5. How bout they tell the truth right from the start? Like I’m just not that into you.
    Just say it instead of barely communicating with the person after talking for a couple of months and then a nice first date.
    Instead of leaving that person wondering, have the balls enough to say I’m just not feeling it.
    Have some respect for the other person instead of causing all kinds of hurt because you start not sitting with them anymore and you can’t even remember the person’s name when everyone else can.

    Sort of glad actually that this idiot lost interest. Could of had the decency enough to tell me hey, I’m just not that into you.

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