I met up with this guy once in August we went to a restaurant. Then after that, I had been going to his house once a week for a month. I told him that I didn’t think he liked me. He said if he didn’t like me I wouldn’t be at his house and he told me he enjoys my company. We cuddled, kissed, cooked together, and watched movies. Then he started to be distant he stopped kissing and hugging me and he told me he didn’t want to date even though he thought he did and that he didn’t have time for anything. I got upset with him and went off I asked him if he was interested in someone else. And if he was having sex with someone else. But then I apologized to him he said it was fine that things happen. And that he hasn’t had sex with anyone else. He asked me to come over again after all that. So I saw him again at the beginning of this month. And then again last week he was kissing and hugging me and he asked me to take a shower with him.

(**He was married for three years and ended up getting a divorce. Before we met he said he hadn’t been on a date or had sex in a long time**)

  1. Whatever feels friendly, fun and beneficial… there are no rules or limits defining how you and your friend interact and enjoy each other’s company… and sometimes those needs change…

  2. When I had a fwb, we would kiss and hug in private, but never in public.

    I never showered with him, because we were always in a hurry to get out of my apartment afterwards so that we could meet up with our friends after. He and I both showered, but did so separately and quickly.

  3. Friends with benefits do kiss, hug and take showers together. There are different ways to have a friends with benefits relationship, sometimes there is a real friendship, sometimes it’s actually only reoccurring sex and nothing more. Either way kissing hugging and showering together make sense.
    But don’t confuse it with a relationship: either one of you can suddenly quit or suddenly sleep with someone else. There is no commitment. He might not feel love for you.

  4. Basically you can do whatever the two of you want to do. My fwb and I kiss during sex and I usually hug him goodbye. Never taken a shower together, but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong for you.

    I’ve never stayed the night with him, but with another fwb he’s stayed over a few times. A fwb I had years ago stayed over every single time. It all depends on what the two of you are comfortable with.

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