We were friends in college now for about 4 months and I asked her out like last week and she told me she can’t bc her family is still controlling and won’t let her out (very common in their culture specifically). We saw each other for the first time a few days ago and she really was quiet. She doesn’t say much to me, it doesn’t feel the same way as before where she’d talk more freely.

Before asking her out, she’d be laughing at my jokes (even the stupid ones), touched my arm one time when she was laughing at my joke, told me I smell so nice and asked about my cologne, always texting me first (usually about school tho) and she was just overall smiley around me.

Hard to say if she liked me maybe she just found me attractive? What should I do?

  1. Do nothing.

    Say hi and thats it.

    As she was the one that said no to the date and then distanced herself you respect that. Keep your distance. If she wants to talk she will come to you.

  2. Just tell her you totally understand her situation and you don’t want that to come between your friendship, and leave it at that. If she was honest about the family prohibitions, she might be feeling a little awkward or embarrassed about it now. If she was blowing smoke, at least you don’t look obsessed.

  3. From her point of view she could be somewhat embarrassed about the fact that her parents are controlling. I have the same family situation going on, and its kinda embarrassing having to tell someone you like that your family is strict and won’t let you out, even though we’re grown. Maybe she still wants to hangout but maybe let her know that its okay that y’all can’t hangout, and try to text, and call more. Especially since it sounds like she was interested in you, I think you should really just let her know that it’s okay, and see if she’ll start talking to you again:))

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