There’s one girl in m.y uni lecture who 1 catch constantly staring at me, obviously she turns away quickly once 1 look at her direction. I.m considering approachin.g her but no clue how to do so. How would you go on with that? Should one make it a “friendly/casual” approach or a “I’m hitting on you” approach? Appreciated.

  1. Try saying something like this: “Hi, I’m Gary. I’ve seen you at astrophysics class. I’m awkward around women, but would you like to have tacos with me tonight?”

  2. Put your dick on the table and ask if that’s enough to stare. Joking aside, go up to her and don’t even bother mentioning you saw her looking at you. Go ahead and call her out, that’s it. “Hey wanna go eat something after class?” For example

  3. “Noticed you’ve been glancing at me from across the room. Figured I’d give you a close up for an early Christmas present. I’m William what’s your name?”

    I say go in with guns blasting. No need to sneak through the backdoor by being “friendly”. You can make the opening dialog less aggressive too if need be.

  4. My approach would be:

    Start by looking in her directions more often, with a smile on your face. Try to get and maintain eye contact for a couple of seconds a few times.

    If you are still getting the same vibes, then walk up to her in the hallway after the lecture and say something casual about the subject and try to get a convo going.

  5. Go tell her “I’ve been noticing you,noticing me ,noticing you,notice me….you have my attention now.whats ur name?”….then flirt around seriously

  6. Accidentally on purpose meet her in a public place (cafe/bookshop/library) and introduce yourself: “Hi I’m FlaffingB – we’re in the same class.”

  7. I’d just walk over to her and say “caught you staring” but in a funny way. She’ll probably get embarassed, but then you let her off the hook by saying “it’s fine. I don’t normally get that kind of attention. It’s nice to be appreciated for once. But if you want, we could hang out some time and you can get a closer look.”

  8. I don’t. If she wants to stare I don’t care. If she’s interested in me then come over and talk to me.

  9. Follow this guide:

    Smile. Look down. Brush your hair to the side (if you are bald, shine that egg, maintain eyecontact while shining). Breath deep. Begin rasping softly. Stand up, shoulders forward. Chin to your chest. Legs apart. Slight crouch. Release stool. Begin chanting “Ger Ger Ger Ger Ger”. Flail your hands *softly. Shake stool out of pantleg (intense shake for greater effect)

    If you did everything right, you will have marked your territory and she will be stunned into submission.

  10. Smiling at her would be a good start. Introducing yourself. Ask her a question about herself to try and get her to start talking. It should snowball from there.

  11. Do you want her to look at you more? Or to stop looking?

    You could start by asking her something about the class “hey I didn’t catch what they said about….” Gives you a reasonable ice breaker without coming off as overeager

  12. I would smile at her the next time I see her watching me then during the break walk toward her, smile again and say:

    Hi, did you you like the lesson/my name is Flash/what’s your name/do you speak Klingon/whatever because it doens’t really matter, she is already curious about you.

  13. Eh probably wouldn’t approach her since that stuff annoys me

    I don’t like people who can’t just talk to me

    It’s awkward and kinda creepy to just be starred at by a person who doesn’t know you well enough to even feel comfortable talking to you

    So me I’d just start to avoid her

    Why not just come up and talk to me?

    Like if I as a guy werw to do that to a girl than it would be kinda creepy right?

    It seems like in this day and age it’s now time for women to learn a thing or two about what’s appropriate behavior.

    Starring at a stranger because you like them is creepy, regardless of gender.

    Just talk to them.

    Also here’s some advice: maybe try to get to know me first before you try to flirt with me

    I could be some crazy guy on reddit who likes to write really long rants for questions on r/askmen because I don’t have friends to talk to irl because I isolate myself and just play world of warcraft naked in my room everyday while listening To disturbing internet videos

    Yeah maybe I’m cute and come off as super awesome and interesting but for all you know I could be a crazy guy who watches Alex Jones and has extreme political views and doesn’t like Spiderman no way home or civil war and thinks last Jedi is the best of the sequel trilogy

  14. I would approach her after class and say hello, tell her that she’s caught your eye too. Let the conversation flow from there.

  15. Nope. I once shot my shot and tried to have a conversation in a similar social scenario and it didn’t go well, and I will never stop being ashamed and hating myself for trying

  16. Walk up after class, smile warmly, and say “Hey! I noticed you keep checking me out in class. I’m here so you can get a better look.”

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