Hi everyone, so I have approximately mouth length hair, a middle part, and every morning when I wake up my hair looks…well lets just say styled upwards… I want my hair to look messy and free but it just looks like a huge double quiff? How do I make my hair feel free in the morning, instead of it feeling like I put wax on it? My sheets are clean, I wash my hair at night but fall asleep with completely dry hair… I don’t know what the problem is!

  1. I used to have long hair too. Got the same problem…I tried normal dry shampoo…Don’t use conditioner. Let you hair dry naturally. Worked for me then.

  2. Shower in the morning. Going to bed with long hair is basically an assurance that it’ll be fucked up and unmanageable unless you do night management like tie-ups or braids.

  3. Does water help? When my hair gets unruly, I put some water on my hands and flatten my hair. If you really want to reset your hair, you can grab a towel and run your head under the sink and wet your hair.

  4. Look up scarfs and learning how to wrap your hair at night; this is a common staple for Black women that want to keep their hair the same. Surprisingly, it works for many people.

  5. Go to the hair section and look for a night hair wrap. They’re usually pretty cheap and will protect your hair. You can also use a shirt. Look up what plopping is.

    Also, satin pillowcases.

  6. I’ve had below shoulder length hair for 30odd years and just brush it.

    You’re probably not doing it any favours washing it every night though. You’re washing the natural oils out if you wash it too much which damages the condition. Leave it a few days, maybe wash it every three or four days and see how that goes.

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