I dated a woman for about 2 months in March-April of this year and we have not spoken since (I don’t keep in contact with people I’ve seen in the past). I bought a ticket for a concert in January that I will no longer be able to attend and she is the only person I can think of that would want to go (we met at a concert for an extremely similar band).

Is it weird of me to reach out and offer her my ticket? I know this might seem like a dumb question but I haven’t had contact with an ex since I was in college haha.

  1. Depends on how things ended. I would give it (for free) to my last two gfs because we parted ways in a very civilised and understanding way. We didn’t fight as we broke up, we just understood it wouldn’t work. So yes, it’s ok to reach out to her and give her the tickets, maybe catch up a bit too.

    It’s not a dumb question at all. People deal with breakups in different ways. Some people just fight and ghost while others remain on friendly (as can be) terms.

  2. You can’t put it back on the market? Chalk it up to a loss because if it didn’t end well it looks like you are only using it as an excuse to talk to her again.

  3. I wouldn’t call it creepy but I would be slightly offended if I were her. Because even if your relationship ended on good terms, it was still something special the two of you shared together, and receiving an offer of an unwanted item from an ex would feel like he was cheapening our experience together by reducing me to a mere acquaintance as if nothing ever happened between us.

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