I am a male and for some reason I feel stupid and embarassing when I am in the act. I think something like “ok now I have to do this and that, I hope I won’t get flaccid, I hope she’s enjoying it etc” and sometimes I can’t even find the entrance. I feel so fkin dumb I swear!

Since I have all of these thoughts I can’t enjoy it. What on earth can I do?

  1. I’d say “relax” but that’s an “uh duh” suggestion. May figure out *why* you feel all these rushing concerns? Is there some deeper anxiety about trying to perform at a random high level you set?

  2. Yeah, we need more info. Why do you feel this way?

    Imma say this… the more you stay in your head thinking stupid thoughts, the more you perform badly, the more you think stupid thoughts. Vicious cycle.

    Focus on having fun, explore, don’t just focus on PiV, focus on the entire body that is before you. Have you taken time to look, not in a guy gawking kind of way, but an inquisitive, exploring kind of way, at her boobs? her ass? her thighs? Careful here, but also her belly, her back… shit, women’s backs are sexy. EXPLORE mah dude. Run your hand all over the place in a very soothing massaging way.

    When you’re about to go in, go slow and easy, rub it up and down… no shame in that, take your time. This is not Formula 1 or Indy 500 where speed is king. Think of it as a hike through the woods, where you walk, you look at the woods, that weird leaf you never seen before, that weird bug… That weird root jutting out the ground. That’s her body… all kinds of weird shit to look at, run your hands over, and JUST FUCKING ENJOY.

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