I (f29) work with this guy (m25). He has told me before that he loves working with me; we work as a great team; and we have great chemistry together. I am super interested in him and my energy shows him that. I think he reciprocates the same energy and feels the same way. When we make eye contact the connection is really intense, but then I get nervous and quickly look away. We have been working together since June and he still hasn’t made any moves to move forward. So, is he just being nice and I’m imagining it all? Does he have reservations because I’m a single mother with a young child? Do I have to make the first move?

  1. It could be a variety of reasons. Maybe he’s nervous, thinks you’re just friendly to pass time, or assumes things wouldn’t work. Given that you’re a single mother that could be a big concern too. I know that’s a deal breaker for a lot of guys that desire longterm relationships.

    If you want an answer you can always initiate or ask him if he’s into you.

  2. You work together. If you date and anything bad happens, you can go to HR and have him fired. That’s a massive risk, that he’s unlikely to tolerate.

  3. A man would have to be insane to heavily flirt/ make a move at work in this day and age. I think you’d have to make the 1st move for sure in this case. For you worst case it’s a rejection, for him could be a #metoo and end of his career just as it’s starting. I won’t lie, being a single mom may be a deal breaker for him, especially as he is a bit younger too, may not want any of that responsibility. But hey nothing ventured nothing gained right? I think you could start escalating things and see how he reacts.

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