What is the brutal truth about life after marriage?

  1. If you marry the right person, and the two of you become best friends to each other, you are likely to have a happy long marriage.

  2. It’s no different except I pay more to have my husband on my health insurance lol. Our relationship is still like the first date. On our wedding day we came home and ate Olive Garden takeout and watched Chris Cuomo on the news and stayed up late talking like usual. Being married feels no different, though marriage has never meant much to me besides being a legal thing anyway.

  3. That you need to set expectations. It’s fucked up, but the happiest my marriage has ever been is when I treat my wife like I can replace her. ( I can) but when I treated her like a queen, she treated me like a wallet.

    Set standards and keep your bitch in line.

  4. Less romantic partner and more good friend (usualy with benefits) but with a stronger level of attachment (results in stronger positive feelings) & shared responsibilities. It can also go from less romantic partner to someone you really dislike being around and you start feeling regret. This usually happens when you picked her solely based upon her looks and you getting your dick wet a lot.

  5. If your relationship goes downhill after getting married, the relationship is the problem, not marriage.

  6. The brutal truth is that modern marriage laws totally favor the female and screw the man. He gets NOTHING of value from a marriage but he loses half his property, income, and future income.

  7. Well i’m 20 and got my first girlfriend about 4 months ago. Less money, way less freedom, constant annoyingness. Can’t imagine what marriage is like

  8. That sometimes the man does come out on top. Most women don’t realize we can get a piece of their retirement plan too during the divorce.

  9. You give up your individuality and your freedom.

    In return, you become part of something bigger than you and your partner put together.

    And if you do it right, you won’t feel like you’ve given up anything at all.

    *Source: did it right*

  10. My wife likes to keep telling me I’m her best friend, and if you were a nice guy in your past, this can give you PTSD, especially if you’re not having sex as frequently as you’d like (I’m talking a few times a month, put down your pitchforks). I see there are already a bunch of people talking about how you become each others best friend, and while I do get what you’re saying, I want my wife to be into me romantically as much as she completely trusts me with the emotional stuff.

  11. A large part of it is luck of the draw.

    But an even larger part of it is determined by whether you actually do your due diligence or not.

  12. If you think of marriage as “being done” (with dating, with relationships, with all that stuff) you’re going to be miserable and/or divorced. You’re *never* done with dating, with relationships, with romance, you just have only one person to focus on. Give up, check out, or take them for granted, and it’s over, same as anything else, it just takes longer and costs more at the end.

  13. Marriage isn’t magic, it won’t fix or break anything.

    The big changes and stressors that happen after like entangling your finances, buying a home, having kids, and just the realities of day to day life aren’t any easier or harder with or without the ring.

  14. For most men, you won’t be married to your gf. You’ll be married to your wife. And she’s practically a different person.

    tl;dr- Don’t get married. There’s literally no reason to do it.

  15. Shes gonna get fat. Every guy I know whos been married longer than 7 years has a wife 20+ pounds heavier than their wedding day.

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