Lets say this guy is super busy focusing on his career and hobbies. He doesn’t get much of an opportunity to meet people and he goes unoticed. To add to it all he is super Introverted . Based on what I have been told there needs to be social proof before a guy is considered datable. Be honest would this raise red flags for you? Would you ever see him as a worthy man?

  1. >Lets say this guy is super busy focusing on his career and hobbies

    if he can’t tear himself from his job and interests enough to cultivate and maintain friendships, why should anyone believe he can attend to a relationship?

    >a worthy man?


  2. I think it is ok to date a guy who doesn’t have any strong friendships. There could be a lot of reasons for this. Perhaps he is just an introvert, which can be nice. Or new to the area. It’s best to get to know someone. Thanks!

  3. I dated a guy who has autism and your post described him. He has no friends because he’s lacking social skills to be able to keep people in his life. I would say it kinda depends on the person. Some girls don’t mind if a guy doesn’t have friends but others do with few different reasons

  4. I don’t think so. For multiple reasons:
    – If he hasn’t have the time for friends, I doubt he has time for the kind of relationship I want.
    – I don’t want it to always be us two or him and my friends. In all my relationships I loved hanging out with his friend too on occasion. I’d miss it if it weren’t there to change up the contexts and dynamics.
    – Worried our balance/needs wouldn’t be the same/equal in social terms, but also in emotional support and such.
    – A lot of social aspects are skills that are being learned by social interactions. Fighting, compromise, communications, etc. I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t worry he lacks some of her didn’t have friends.

    Edit: I do think there’s introverted girls out there who also don’t feel a lot of need for friend groups though.

  5. Depends if hes able to see you every week as if that was me thats how much id ideally like to see a guy im dating (obviously thats not always possible) but you want a guy who’s willing to make time for you and if he’s unable to make time to have at least 2-3 close friends then how is he gonna make time for you? If he’s focused on his career but is able to see you every week or so then go for it. Not having a ton of friends is usually a good thing tbh. I have around 6-8 good friends and it can get very hectic at times and there are often alot of fall outs between some of us and the aftermath of those fall outs can be bad at times so id say less friends is a good thing. Just make sure hes able to or willing to make time for you before jumping into a relationship

  6. This marketing concept of social proof being applied to dating is problematic for numerous reasons.

  7. If he doesn’t have time/make an effort to socialize then he doesn’t have time/won’t put in the effort to build a relationship….

  8. The closest guys get to friendship is meeting at a bar to watch a game. How often do you see a group of guys out to dinner together compared to woman. Woman are just more social than guys but face it we do not talk about the latest shoes LOL.

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