It’s minor stuff, we’re both males. Stuff about how I look tired and that my face is shiny. Small jabs that have plausible deniability

Watched some YouTube videos from Dan O’Connor and I gathered I should call him out and be direct and proffesional.

Next time I see him what should I say? My idea is to say “Hey X, I’ve noticed you make a lot of comments about my appearance. I’m going to need you to stop.”

Then If he asks why then I should try not to justify it because that invites argument, I should be a broken record.

So if he says “Why?” should I say “I’m gonna need you to stop mentioning my appearance” again? What should my frame/attitude be like?

How do I handle it if he does it again?

  1. That’s a lawsuit. Tell him to stop and every time he keeps going document it. Cha-Ching.

  2. If you have to ask more than once, start giving him a dirty look and a scary vibe. Some people can’t be reasoned with. Are you using body soap for your face? That will make it shiny.

  3. You’ve got the right idea. Tell him to knock it off, and if he asks why, tell him you don’t like it and that it’s inappropriate for a manager to be making these comments. If he pushes it, or continues making comments, go to HR and tell them you feel uncomfortable with his comments regarding how you look.

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