Hi, over the past year or so I’ve been going through a lot when it comes to relationships. I’ve noticed the descent to this manipulative person. Each relationship makes it worse. It begs the question of, is this the natural evolution of heartache and pain? Toxic people come from toxic environments. Would that mean that breakups breed more toxicity then anything else in a relationship?

TLDR; What is the evolution of a pained heart?

1 comment
  1. Talking from my own experience and from what I’ve been able to analyse in myself.

    Yes, toxic relationships and breakups made me a more manipulative and toxic person, but just until I realised that wasn’t making me any favours and I worked really hard to change it. Now, since I’m way more emotionally healthy I deal with way less headaches and bullsh*t, that doesn’t necessarily means that I am more successful but at least giving myself the opportunity to be true with what I think is right gave me a much more optimistic approach. Which I think is worth in terms of inner peace (a.k.a not dealing with stress and anxiety that often).

    I haven’t been able of getting rid of all my toxic behaviours but most of them are gone and the ones who remain are under control cause I’m aware of them.

    Anyways, try to be more optimistic cause doesn’t matter whatever happened in the past, is just that, stressing about it or changing who you are because of it will only make you more unhappy.

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