As the title says, what is something you wish wasn’t a deal breaker in a relationship and why? Is it something that is taken too seriously?

  1. A lot of people won’t date someone unless they have the same hobbies. And I think that’s real fuckin dumb.

  2. Having Two separate and distinct manslaughter convictions from two separate and distinct incidents.

    I feel like I will never find the one with that cloud over my head.

  3. I know for women I would say height and salary (within reason) are two common ones that box out a lot of potential partners.

    For men, some won’t settle for less than a supermodel.

    Not saying you can’t have preferences, but you may miss out. Know what should be important, but keep an open mind.

  4. Overrated deal breaker is not being 100% the exact match as ones expectations, and expecting more from the other person than you offer. Compromise is an important part of life and every relationship, which seems to have been lost these days.

  5. Being sexually and romantically exclusive is definitely overrated, as is having or wanting kids.

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