if you dumped somebody but still have feelings for them, how final is it?

  1. Me. I much prefer the clean break. Once I know it’s over, it is *really over for me*. I lose all interest in trying to call or talk or see them.

    Now, I don’t want to childishly ghost women whenever I’m butthurt. I’m not deliberately cutting my exes out of my life. But I do stop spending my time and energy on them. And you know what? None of them ever reached out to me. So it seems the feeling was mutual. They often say “we can still be friends,” but if I’m not putting effort into preserving some kind of friendship, and they’re not putting any effort into it either, then guess what? That means we won’t stay friends. And I think that’s okay. We each learn our lessons and hopefully take what we learned to our next relationships, with a clean slate.

  2. If I break up with someone or they break up with me I’m not going to get back together with them. If I see them at the store I’m gonna probably pretend like I never saw them.

  3. Pretty sure everyone has some feelings after the breakup, thinking about what went wrong is normal, glancing back at it is fine but after some time you need to stop looking back. Make up your mind to move forward otherwise you never will.

  4. The truth is when it is over it is over. Of course there are those moments I think maybe if things would change… but they never change and in the end I understand breaking up was the correct choice.

  5. Never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never go back.

    Always move forward.

  6. I never look back except for 1 relationship. That was the relationship that taught me to never look back. I really love that woman even till today and I’d try to make it work with her if the situation ever arose.

  7. Aside from my first GF ever where we had a really long and complicated history…

    every single other girl I’ve dated since (like 40), I can’t remember most of their names or faces.

  8. By the time I’m at the point of needing to walk away from a relationship I’m probably well passed breaking point. I did that once, gave her a second chance after all her friends messaged that she’s changed and wanted the second chance but she just behaved worse.

  9. I’m very much about emotional efficiency. I don’t like putting energy into something broken that won’t be fixed. Sure I might have residual feelings/emotions/thoughts but if for whatever reason I decide I’m done with the relationship/friendship, I am done. It will be like I never even existed in your life. Now I don’t ghost but I can cut you out of my life within a matter of minutes and it’s a done deal. I don’t like to linger and try to fix something I already decided on walking away from

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