Ladies: how do you feel about them? Fun time or run for your life??

  1. There’s really no more of a reason to have FWB with a “fuckboy” (someone who will try to manipulate one or multiple people for own emotional or sexual gratification) than to try and have a relationship with them. Whether you’re looking for something casual or serious it absolutely is better to share it with someone emotionally mature. People need to trust their gut more and care about words less tbh. It’s really not that difficult to notice when someone has a black void inside, no matter what they’re telling you — unless you have some unresolved issues and feel compelled to re-enact some kind of trauma that’s really not attractive at all.

  2. Running for my life. It’s not even just the sec part it’s the not caring and the manipulation that makes everything ten times worse

  3. – Inhuman. Criminals.
    – They lie about their intentions. They use people, but would be furious if someone used them.
    – On top of it, they shift blame and use negging to destroy women’s self-esteem. Disgusting.
    – Their actions have serious negative long-term consequences for people.
    – They traumatize people and act like nothing happened.
    – They give women the worst memories, flashbacks and nausea
    – No, you’re lucky she didn’t report you and you’re not with an expensive lawsuit and in jail now for what you’ve done.

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