Said goodbye, stocked-up on things, made different decisions?

(Ideally other than trying to profit off the pandemic)

  1. If I had any clue things would be like this, I would of rushed to buy a house not wait and lose out like I did.

  2. Invested in Zoom and Microsoft Teams.

    Stock up on water bottles, TP, Sanitizer, and masks.

    Paused my university education.

  3. In hindsight, biggest change I’d’ve made is buying oil futures when the market was at the bottom. Could’ve made a lot of money on oil futures if the cards were played right.

  4. 1. Wouldn’t have started grad school, fuck that. Now I’ve a fistfull of debt and no degree. This one hangs over me everyday.

    2. Wouldn’t have dated my ex who I was with for two years. When shit hit the fan she locked herself up and got all of her news from her paranoid Chinese parents who told her stories about how America was in chaos. I’m quite critical of the States myself but they quite literally thought we were at borderline mad max/fallout levels, it got to the point where it was farcical i.e. “no, when you move we aren’t going to get murdered and raped at some rest stop with your car set on fire…”

    3. I think I did a pretty good job here but I would have taken more time to be with my Grandma before she passed just as covid started hitting the States.

  5. I would’ve gone out to a lot more restaurants, movies, etc before it hit. I’m not afraid to catch covid, but I’d still prefer to avoid it when I can. Where I live, they abolished all mandatory isolation, and I already live in a dirty area with stupid people as is. I’ll still go out, I just dont really care to anymore considering its been years now

  6. I would have bought a fuck ton more ammo and a few guns before prices went fucking ridiculous.

  7. Stocked up on N95 masks, hand sanitizer, and frozen meat/vegetables. Built out a home gym in my basement. Bought some meme stocks before the bubble. Have my husband and I both increase our life insurance policies.

  8. I would have gotten a cat. It would be more stressful to get a cat now (mostly for a cat, because my work schedule is divided 50/50 between office and home office), but during the pandemic I worked from home exclusively. It would’ve been a perfect opportunity to nurture a kitten to make sure it grows properly and behaves when I’m gone.

    And I wouldn’t have proposed to my then-girlfriend considering we almost haven’t seen each other for the whole pandemic.

  9. Sold my stocks.

    Besides that nothing. I purchased my house in February and already had a kid in the way.

  10. Brought a shitload of crypto.

    Bitcoin was around 6,000 in Jan 2020 and jumped to 65,000 nov 2021.

    You want to read something interest, read about the Dogecoin millionaire.

  11. nothing i came out ahead quite a bit i wouldn’t wanna fuck that up for rolling the dice on some other crock of shit and get monkey pawed.

  12. I saw the signs in January 2020, most people didn’t care. I will say speaking up got the word out to many around me when the lock downs started, many expecting what was coming made them less frantic than those who knew very little.

  13. Gotten my vaccine faster. I was turned away because I had an out of state Id (fucking stupid) and Covid damn near took me off the earth.

  14. The reality is some of us already knew it was coming. All those people referred to as “conspiracy theorists” kept telling people. But in usual fashion they chose to mock and ridicule. Just wait till you see what’s next. You think covid was bad? What’s coming next is irreversable. So many people are numb to what’s happening so long as their daily rituals or routines aren’t affected.

  15. I would have not quit my job in February of 2020, rendering me ineligible for unemployment assistance. The job was toxic as fuck and I needed out of there, but if I had known that six weeks later all my shitty coworkers were going to be collecting $600 a week off the dole I sure as fuck would have stuck it out instead of living off my credit cards for nine months.

  16. Quietly stock up on food and save my money. Better to be prepared for something of that magnitude. Huge advantage.

  17. Invested in companies who made COVID related PPE, zoom, Peloton, or any company that boomed during lockdown.

  18. Start a mass production of masks, sanitizers and other products with so so very much investment even if i needed to take a debt. Think rich people.

  19. If I had known that all my laid off coworkers would have been making as much as I did still working, but much harder and stressful, I would have been one of the volunteers.

  20. I’d have finished my soul destroying relationship and moved into a shared house to get through the pandemic. I was front line staff so going into work feeling like cannon fodder, having made my peace with my life just in case I caught the virus and didn’t survive gave me a lot to work through afterwards. But what didn’t help was going home to a woman who was already antisocial and blaming me for everything became increasingly bitter and paranoid. I was working myself ragged at work then booking extra shifts because I didn’t want to go home. If I had that time back again I’d have rather spent that time on my own and been able to relax after work and start dealing with how heavy work got.

  21. In hindsight, moved in woth my SO, she just got a new place and I made the choice to keep apart during lockdown,
    Looking back on it I should have moved in. But our relationship is none the worse for it so I’m not annoyed by my choice.

  22. I did see Covid coming. Back in November of 2019. I stocked up on some things, made smart financial decisions and didn’t give in to wild fear-mongering. I’m doing great.

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