Men of Reddit, what’s a hilarious moment that happened years ago in your life that you still think about til this day?

  1. Watching a couple people fall in slow motion because of the intense laser lights flashing to the beat of the way too loud music at a rave (the song was [1000 by Moby]( Looked over to see my GF down on one knee right next to me. lolol

    Then seeing some guy struggle trying to drag his GF out, so I swapped GFs with him and carried his GF while he helped with mine who was much smaller.

    When we got outside, we had a giggle fit about it, that only got worse when each of our GFs got angry at us laughing while they were trying to recover. Only time my stomach was sore for a couple days from laughing.

  2. When I was a kid hunting around for Christmas gifts that my mom had hidden. We found the Atari set! Mom found out, and secretly buried it without us knowing. Then to our surprise, she hid Atari cartridges in Comforter blankets that she also bought for Christmas as well. We were very surprised by this trick, we lived happily for the rest of that day!

  3. My first job was working the arcade at a water park and I stared off into the distance during one slow weekday. A few moments later, like a gift from the comedy gods, two Facilities employees approached the nearby entrance to an Employees Only section when one spotted a puddle in front of the arcade and tried to splash the other.

    Unfortunately for him, the expected splash turned into him nearly doing a goddamn backflip and landing like someone threw a dead horse off a balcony. I collapsed and almost passed out laughing while his coworker alternated from crippling laughter and genuine concern.

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