What is something that women are praised for doing but it’s actually the bare minimum?

  1. Let’s see here. Posts in teenagers, antifeminists, mensright. Looks like we got ourselves a sharp kid because he’s real edgy.

  2. Probably the same ones as with us dudes.

    Like, I fold one washcloth and my wife fawns all over me. Do you mean that type of thing?

    This more sounds like a “let’s dump on women” thing. Yes?

  3. Being a stay-at-home spouse who “takes care of the house” when they don’t have children, and I’ll die on that hill.

    When the Covid closures were still happening I was temporarily out of work, and therefore took on all household responsibilities while my partner still working as she wasn’t affected by closures. I could wake up at 10 a.m, saunter around in my pyjamas and leisurely vacuum, do dishes, mop, laundry, dust and generally tidy while watching videos, playing music or stopping to take breaks. I’d then have enough time to run errands while stopping at a few places I want to go, come home and be able to have dinner started all before she walked in the door.

    Without children “maintaining the household” is the absolute bare minimum. It’s what you *should* be doing, it’s one step up from being a mooch and allows you to at least say you’re doing *something* to justify being an adult dependent. It is not at all equal to 40+ hours of work per week. If that dynamic works for both people and makes them happy, so be it. But it’s not something worth applauding.

  4. Keeping herself together. Ironed clothing, neat hair. Actually *looking* attractive. Nothing to do with beauty but sorry fellas, I like it when my girl looks nice and like she made an effort on her appearance.

    Hoodies and sweats have their place and time but I’m not taking you out dressed like that.

  5. My favourite waitress at my favourite cafe… She does no work and she is the bad experience (according to the other staff) but we all adore her and she is just a awesome person.


  6. Listening to their partner’s problems and emotions. No, it’s not “eMoTIonAL lAbOUr”. It’s being a decent human being.

    Also: Not dumping their man by the wayside when he shows vulnerability.

  7. I don’t understand these types of posts that only creae microaggresions towards other people

  8. I’m going to be downvoted into oblivion by the lady lurkers here for stating the blunt truth. Natural things such as breastfeeding. “Oh it’s so good that you choose to breastfeed your child instead of using formula.” How is that “so good.” They’re literally doing what they are expected to do as a mother who gave birth! Baby formula is a 19th century man-made substitute which will never be as beneficial as the actual breastmilk.

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