I don’t know how else to describe it. But it’s so funny when I’m walking past someone at work or on the sidewalk my brain goes crazy. Do I smile? If so when do I start? Do I look down until the precise moment we pass each other and then look up and smile? Because if they’re pretty far away I don’t want to just stare at them the whole time! If I’m listening to something I always pause it in case they say something to me. Lol It’s just so strange. I’ve decided to lean in and walk places more to explore this, and I now try to always say something and smile and see if I can let me mind know that this is not a big deal. Just wondering if anyone else experiences this and how they deal with it.

1 comment
  1. I do this as well. I think it’s more of an insecurity thing with me thinking that people are judging me negatively.

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