Edit: the *most popular* girl might have made for a better question, if you’d rather share the answer to that instead.

  1. She was very kind with a friendly personality. She became a hairstylist and then actually switched to software engineering.

  2. Bully, she is married to a cop, is deep in a multi level marketing scheme.

    Couldn’t have happened to a nicer person

  3. I have no idea where anyone is from high school, and I couldn’t even tell you the name of the prettiest person from back then. I can’t imagine caring at all about people from school.

  4. She was very quiet and kinda childish by drawing and printing out lots of Monster High images on the school computers and drawing sailor moon stuff, no she was not a bully but she took the nastiest shit from every boy that was attracted to her and didn’t stood up for herself.

    Now I see on her Facebook that she’s still dating many different weird guys, but whatever, I can’t stop her.

  5. She was scary but not a bully, she was friends with everyone and a REALLY good student

    She became a lawyer, or something involving law.

  6. She was a sweetheart and everybody loved her. Treated everybody with compassion & kindness. I think, she married some ultra rich guy. I just hope life treats her as well as she treated others.

  7. She was mean and a snob.

    She oh so typically went into nursing, is with some gym bro, and is in financial ruin. She’s having to sell her house that she plastered all over FB because she over leveraged and now the interest rates are catching up.

    The other girl from highschool is still at the same dead end job that she had in highschool, doing absolutely nothing with her life.

  8. Kind.

    I’m doing awesome today. Thank you for asking!

    I was in high school in the early 2000s, and I don’t remember who was considered “the prettiest girl” was. So I’m going to say it’s me.

  9. I have no idea who that was. I was often taunted by the most popular female bully. I would be walking down the hall with my friends and she would yell “dykes!! Haha you’re gay! Lesbo’s” yet- she sat behind me in our home room and was always so weirdly nice. Someone suggested she was gay and had a crush on me. I shrugged it off. I was way more into partying than school anyway 🥲 So , I found her Facebook a few years back. She is married to a lovely looking woman, they have adopted children that call her (the bully) Dad.

  10. She was super kind. I never heard her say a negative thing or a passive aggressive thing, and 8 never heard a negative thing about her

  11. Really nice. But the prettiest girl was not the most popular. She wasn’t actually popular at all.

    I think the popular (often meaner girls who are more cliquey and exclusionary) are perceived as being the prettier ones, but they’re usually just seen that way due to the social hierarchy that exists in high school. And they groom themselves more effectively.

    But the truly beautiful girls in my high school were all good people and more low key.

  12. All the girls I went to highschool with were beautiful and the nicest people. Now most of them (small class from small town) are in uni studying to become nurses and are absolute wankers

  13. I went to a big high school (about 5,000 students). There were plenty of attractive people but I don’t think any one person was considered the”prettiest girl”. I also have zero idea what anyone from my school is doing today.

  14. She was making her way in modeling. She was kind of obnoxious, but a nice girl. She got a lot of attention from male teachers; which now i realize is fucken disgusting. hope she did ok through out high school and college. Wish her the best in her endeavors. :3

  15. Same as others. I have no idea if there was anyone with that title but the pretty girls I knew from school were kind for the most part … They are now married with kids and most of them went to college. I’m happy for them ☺️

  16. I barely remember what anyone from high school looked like, and I don’t know what any of them are doing now.

  17. There were plenty of pretty and mean girls in my highschool. But the prettiest girl, in my eyes, was a sweetheart. We didnt run with the same crowd so I didnt know her outside of chemistry class.
    I found out recently that she was hospitalized for anorexia her senior year and struggles with relapsing. But is successfull in the other areas of her life as far as I can tell.

    I’ve struggle with binge eating disorder my whole life and feel kind of guilty for thinking she had the perfect body back then.

  18. Kind to her friends, and a little thoughtless around people outside her circle. Typical teenager, I’d venture to say.

    I didn’t know her last name, so I have no idea what she’s up to. I hope she’s doing well.

  19. Kind. Almost all the popular/pretty girls were nice. It was the guys who could be intimidating and mean

  20. I think I might have actually been the prettiest person in my high school. Not being egotistical, everyone in my school was considerably ugly looking back

  21. The prettiest girl/most popular in my school was my best friend. She was actually a good person but she was fake around others to gain popularity. I didn’t want to be friends with someone that was always competing with me and faking her way through high-school so we stopped talking senior year. In a way I feel bad for her, she thought she needed to be someone else to fit in. She lives in our small town still, does all the small town girl stuff and talks shit about me to my friends that I still have there.

  22. The most popular is an attorney, and she’s always been a good person. I liked her in high school and I like her now.

  23. She’s doing well. I used to joke with her and say that I wanted to hate her because she was so pretty, but she was too kind and funny for anyone to hate. Now she’s esthetician and is still dating the guy she met senior year of high school.

    It’s funny though, because she clearly was the prettiest girl (I went to a small all girls high school so there weren’t many of us) but never would flaunt it, and the ones who definitely thought they were hot shit then are all stuck in the same cycle everyone in my city is in. And they all have Botox and lip fillers are 26. Go figure.

  24. She was fairly “nice” to everyone but there was a lot of internal drama in her friend group which caused her to do some unkind things. However she was nice to all the random people

  25. A stay at home mom of 3, miserable, alcoholic husband. That’s why peaking in high school is terrible.

  26. my high school was tiny so i’m just gonna go with the prettiest person i knew. she was also the most popular person i knew and super friendly to everyone. she’s now a professional ballerina and seems to be married to a nice guy

    now that i think about it, my high school bullies were all pretty conventionally ugly. there were two main ones who made my life hell. the first one now sells insurance and the other one is deep into 3 mlms

    you could say that karma gave these people the lives they deserved. but i also think that they were all also victims of circumstances. the ballerina had wealthy parents who enrolled her in the best dance classes from an early age. she learned from her mom how to be a kind person and how to do her makeup at a young age so that she’d be conventionally attractive. my hs bullies both came from broken and poor families and were only taught bad habits like overeating and judging others

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