I had no friends after a long depression and then losing the only friend I had during that. So I made a few friends at school, but since I lost a friend that pulled me out of my depression I have been scared to become close with anybody. I don’t know if I’ve made any progress at all really. I made two friends at school kind of? They talked to me sometimes I guess. One of them invited me to go ice skating and I went but I didn’t really talk to anybody… I just went ice skating.. is this development at all? Or am I just not making progress because I’m not seeing much progress. My parents just tell me it’s because I’m looking at it from the wrong angle..

1 comment
  1. Personally I would not Invite anyone that I didn’t consider a friend to go ice skating. So it sounds like progress to me. I think you’re looking at it from the wrong angle. Have some confidence in yourself!

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