(all fake names)

Our parents died when Maya was little and I got custody of her as the oldest. And yes if you can’t tell by our age difference Maya was the surprise baby. And yes she’s trans and visibly presents as a girl and has for a while.

She went to hang out with her boyfriend, Andrew(16? Same grade) two days ago. Afterwards she went to our grandpa’s house. He lives an hour away from our house by bus. But from where Maya said she was with, when she was with Andrew, it could’ve taken about 2 hours (after covid the bus routes got weird).

Later that day our grandpa called me and told me Maya came to his house and is gonna stay with him for a while. She does go to our grandpa’s house on occasion to just hang out. But she’s never randomly went to his house and refused to come out. M 32(John) and M29(Sam) recently came to hang out. And they both said she seemed fine.

I tried to face time Maya but she never picked up, she did call and say she was fine. I asked about her boyfriend. She said it was fine, but not to come visit. Our grandpa said she was fine and not to come over until she’s ready.

We’re all really worried.

**TLDR: My sister refuses to come home and won’t see us.**

  1. Well, it sounds like she’s safe, and is making her desires clear. I understand your concern, but my first instinct is to think that she is either being abused or dealing with other negative things at your home, or in her relationship with you/others she lives with. Kind of Occam’s razor, really. I’m not accusing you of anything, I’m just saying what my first thoughts as an outsider would be.

    You haven’t mentioned anything about your relationship. Did you have a fight? An argument? Is there tension in the household about her gender identity? Are there religious concerns? How close are you normally?

  2. So I guess where I’m a little lost is…what’s the concern? Its been a few days of her with another family member and other family members have said she’s fine. To me this looks like a 15 year old is pretty safely asserting some boundaries and getting some space from her dad. A lot of teenagers want to run away because their home life is bad, and a lot more want to run away not because its all that bad but because its just exhausting and they want to feel more independent and adult-like. Don’t smother her, let grandpa tell you if something starts to degrade.

  3. The description of the travel times from one place to another seems irrelevant to the rest of the story. Why do you include it? What about it is pinging your worry?

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