Title pretty much sums it up. I feel like when I’m relaxed and not worried about what others think, I can get along with everyone. I can make friend anywhere, but it seems as I’m getting older I push people away a bit more, I always feel like eventually they will learn I’m not actually fun to be around. It’s that exact thought that makes me get into my own head and act weird. Does anyone have any tips to over come this? I’m genuinely unhappy with my social life because of it. It doesn’t help I work from home now and don’t socialize nearly as much as I used too.

1 comment
  1. This is a tough one OP and I struggle with it too. I think meditation can help slightly in learning how to separate yourself from your thoughts, and recognize them as only thoughts not necessarily factual reality. I know those closest with you would disagree with you about not being fun to be around, etc! If you can seek other perspectives then you won’t identify and pattern seek too hard with the thoughts, target fixating on the things that reinforce beliefs. Best wishes to you!

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