Men who accidentally went into the women’s bathroom, what happened?

  1. “Say… why aren’t there any urinals in here?”

    Feel ripples of shock course up and down my body when a woman comes out of a toilet stall, walks past me and washes her hands.

    I murmur a whisper “whoops” and walk out and down the hall to the men’s restroom.

  2. When walking out a woman walked in and said: “So is this the men’s?” I said: “No idea”. I hadn’t seen a sign.

  3. Saw the tampon dispenser, turned around and left.

    Embarrassed as hell that I went in the wrong door and soooo glad that no one saw me. I am over 60 so there really is very little that can embarrass me anymore. This did.

  4. I was in Japan at a restaurant which didnt have gender written in english or clear sign. Realized I was in wrong room right after I stepped in and heard female voices. Turned around right away and no one knew.

  5. I was at work, had just finished moving to a new building, and **had** to take a piss. Not sure how I missed the sign and the missing urinals – might be because the previous building didn’t have urinals, or something. Anyway, the room was empty, so I got into a stall, did my business, washed my hands and left. Only when a woman outside shot me a weird look did the terrible possibility reveal itself to me. I turned around, saw the sign, flushed, facepalmed, and quickly walked away avoiding eye contact. I was jumpy for a couple hours after that, expecting a visit from the bathroom police.

  6. In like the first two weeks of middle school I didn’t know the layout at all. So when I needed to go I just went to the closest bathroom. It never occurred to me to check for urinals or anything. It took until some other dude pointing it out for me to notice

  7. I’m still In here. Hiding in the stall waiting for everyone to leave. The line of women never seems to end.

  8. At the time i was a rather beautiful man who was often mistaken for a woman, so i just did my buisness and had a pleasant conversation while washing up 🧝‍♂️

  9. Happened to me in elementary school because I didn’t know my way around school yet (literally one of the first weeks in first grade) and the signs were super faded and hard to read. An honest mistake.

    Went in there, saw some disgusting toilets, immediately went back out. Was spotted by some girls who grabbed some fourth year boy, who then proceeded to push me and intimidate me.

    Never went to the bathroom in elementary school again.

  10. I was at a comedy show in a hotel. I’d had a few drinks but wasn’t trashed or anything. I walked into the bathroom looking for a urinal and didn’t find one. Scratched my head and went into a stall without closing the door behind me. I heard someone walk in, walk by stop briefly behind me and then continue to another stall. That’s when I figured it out.

  11. I was in a hurry and accidentally went into the wrong bathroom. I was embarrassed, the women just laughed and thought nothing of it.

  12. I go into single stall person women’s restrooms from time to time. I don’t see a point waiting for the men’s when the ladies’ is open.

    I’ve always wondered what would happen if someone caught me walking out, but it has happened yet.

    If they gave me shit, I’d just shrug and leave.

  13. I was driving down I-90 and suddenly had to poo right away. I spotted a Petro truck stop and restaurant at the next exit and parked rapidly. I rushed in and headed for the restrooms trying hard not to poo before I got there. Some other man followed me. Made it. Got into a stall, sat down and let fly.

    I was taking care of business when the man who followed me into the room knocked on my stall and told me we had accidentally gotten into the women’s place. Just thought I ought to know.

    My colon was temporarily calm so I cleaned off, pulled my pants up, and peaked out. No women were there. Despite years of “equal opportunity” whining there really aren’t very man women truckers. I exited the women’s side, went across the hall to the men’s side, and sat back down until my body was done.

  14. I assumed I was in the mens so when I was in the cubicle and heard a feminine voice on the phone, I was quite surprised. I managed to bend down and have a look, and in the process, I saw her lady area, which coincidentally was the first time I saw a vagina in person.

    Looked like a tennis ball split open.

  15. I walked in at a fancy steakhouse. I noticed there weren’t any urinals nut just thought the place was too high class for that. I sat down, took my poo. As I I up and was leaving, a female worker was cleaning up. I didn’t think anything of it. I was my hands and looked in the mirror to see said worker giving me a perplexed look. It dawned on me and I said “I’m in the women’s room, aren’t I?”

    She laughs and says “yes.” I mutter “my bad” and exit to my table where I told my whole work party.

    It had been a long day that involved being up at 5 a.m., a half marathon, and six hours of driving up until that point.

  16. Went in, only one in there. Thought it looked funny for a men’s bathroom. Dropped off the browns left and realized…..fuck I went into the women’s bathroom

  17. My time to shine!!!

    So I stayed the previous night at a friend’s who lived in a travel camper… Woke up the next day and my tummy was rumbling…bad… He points to the bathroom, I’m like, that’s not happening…

    Drive as fast as possible to Walmart and bust in the bathroom, and get in a stall, and it was horrendous. I was very audibly using the bathroom, and I start hearing woman coming in and using the stars next to me…..

    Meanwhile, I’m having the worst #2 in history, like sweat pouring down my face, praying to obscure deities.

    Finish up and just bust out and run to the men’s room to wash my hands….

    Of course I had to leave a Payday…lol…jk no payday

  18. Luckily no one was there. I Immediately caught my mistake and turned around. It was a Friday afternoon in my work building and I had completely checked out by then, basically a walking zombie lol

  19. I had just arrived to my college campus after a rough morning that included changing a flat tire in the middle of rush hour. I went to the restroom and was washing the dirt and grime off of my hands when a woman walks in. We exchanged awkward looks for a few seconds before she finally tells me that it’s the woman’s restroom.

    She must’ve seen the sheer embarrassment on my face because she kinda chuckles and lets me finish up while she goes into one of the stalls to do her thing.

    For some reason I jokingly asked her not to tell anyone and she obliges. Thankfully, the hallways were vacant so nobody saw me emerge from there.

  20. I noticed the lack of urinals, I noticed the woman. I said “oh” and then left. I heard her laugh her heart out.

  21. I was washing my hands once and this poor man comes in, beet red in the face and apologizing profusely. He had his daughter in tow who looked to be about 7. I just laughed and called it good. I can appreciate his plight, she was old enough for it to be inappropriate for her to go in the men’s but too young to send into a public restroom by herself. What’s a dad to do?

  22. Not by accident, was a kid at an event so everyone just gathered in the lady’s bathroom, why the ladies? THEY HAD A FUCKING COUCH IN THE BATHROOM WHAT??? it was clean and didn’t smell of piss either, we rechecked the men’s and yep it was awful, this is why we cant have nice things 🥲

  23. This reminds me of the video of some dude takin a pic in the women’s bathroom saying he “trans” and he identified as a woman, I feel bad for those girls but still funny af

  24. I didn’t see any sign going in and I only saw the one bathroom so I assumed it was unisex. There weren’t any urinals but I’ve seen unisex bathrooms before and most don’t have urinals so I didn’t think anything of it. There wasn’t anyone else in there at the time so I went in and did my business. On my way out, I turned the corner and saw both the sign identifying it as the women’s bathroom and the men’s bathroom down the hall.

  25. I was 17 at the time. I went in and thought it was odd there were no urinals, so I just went into a stall and peed because I was in pain from holding it. When I got out to go wash my hands, I turn and see a bunch of women just staring at me. I pieced it together and said very vocally “OH NO” in embarrassment. Luckily all the women were very chill about it and didn’t put in a complaint

  26. I was on Benadryl. I was drowsy so I didn’t know. I hear women walk in and then that’s when I realized. I hauled ass outta there. Quickly.

  27. I merely decided to identify as a woman, did my stinky business, and dared them to try and call me on it.

    I happen to identify as a no-op trans lesbian who cross-dresses, so there’s fuck all they can do about it.

  28. The first time I was about 7 or 8 years old and it was at a campground. I was super embarrassed.

    I have done it a couple of times as an adult, most recently at work. My reaction now is I hope nobody saw me, especially the wrong person, because I don’t want to lose my job.


    So I went from embarrassment as a kid to fear as an adult.

  29. I thought “wait, why are the sinks on the wrong side?” Then “wait, where are the urinals?”

    Then, finally, I realized.

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