For a while now, he seemed to be flirting with his coworker from work. I told hom to tone it down a but but he doesn’t think there’s any harm on flirting.

I noticed he was being very secretive when texting and when I tried to find out, he wouldn’t give me the phone. When I pressed further, he responded by breaking his phone and blaming me for making him do it.

How do I find out what’s on his phone?

  1. You don’t need the phone. You already know he’s cheating because he’d rather break his phone than let you see it. Leave his ass.

  2. He’s cheating, blatantly obvious, why wouldn’t he just let you see it, no sane person would just break their phone for little to no reason.

    Be real with yourself, most guys do things like this to get out of it, if you still don’t accept that, you’re either naive as fuck or stupid as shit. I believe you’re the former, please dump his ass you deserve better.

  3. Dude, The proof is him break his phone. That’s super aggressive behavior. DUMP HIM , you deserve better.

  4. My dear, he literally broke his phone. Whether he cheated or not, that shows he’s a very unstable person at best. No matter how angry I get, I don’t break things because I know how to control my anger.

  5. I don’t even know why you’re asking because all of your responses are justifying his obvious disloyal behavior… You believe he’s loyal although it’s obvious you’re being gaslit, so just go be with him.

  6. So do you want advice or so you want to keep making excuses for his shady behavior? No one who is innocent would rather break their phone then just simply show it to you. That says it all. He’s cheating and doesn’t want to get caught. Then gaslight you for his destructive behavior.

  7. Your comments tell me you’re not going to leave, and you’re in denial about him cheating with his coworker. He broke his phone because he knew you’d find what you were looking for, not because you made him angry. Your only options are to leave, or continue to be in a relationship w a cheater. I wish you well the well and hope you do what’s best for you.

  8. Oh dear. 29F here with a 27M husband. I have FULL access to his phone and have since day one of our relationship. He actually even initiated putting my fingerprint in, so I always have access. I don’t need to ask for permission — and truthfully, I have no reason to search his phone.

    I tell you this because a faithful man legitimately has nothing to hide. He won’t break his phone to keep you from finding the truth. He won’t risk disrespecting you and your relationship. This man you’re with isn’t respecting you, especially with the thought that flirting is okay. If “no flirting” is an expectation you have for the opposite sex and monogamy in your relationship, then he should respect that or he should excuse himself from your relationship.

    Either way, a serious talk needs to be had. You need to discuss your expectations within your relationship and if you can’t agree, leave. But with all the information you’ve provided, I think you already know what you need to do. I’ll be praying for you, hun. 💜💜

  9. You’re not using common sense. Common sense should tell you he’s cheating based off his actions. It doesn’t matter if you have proof

  10. I wouldn’t worry about the phone at this point. He’s hiding something obviously to go to such violent lenghts for you not to see. I’d say call it quits and find someone better.

  11. No need to see his phone, dude’s guilty af. No matter how you look at it, turn it around or whatever: even if he had an anger management problem, breaking the phone does not make sense unless he had something to hide. — but let’s just for fun assume he had nothing to hide: still no need to see his phone bc you just nope the fuck out of that relationship if he reacts that deranged

  12. Jesus Christ your comments are exhausting. You *NEED* definitive proof before you’ll leave him? Do you really though? Dude would rather break his phone than show it to you. Innocent people do not get frustrated enough to shatter phones like they used to. It’s not burning a hundred or two like it was 10 years ago. He smashed what I can only assume is a close to $1,000 phone because rather than let you look at texts he’d sacrifice that much money. You being hung up on the “proof” in all these comments is fucking laughable. Why go through the effort of making this post if you’re just going to disregard every comment???
    It’s clear as day dude is doing something nefarious, you don’t need direct evidence to leave him, you’re not bringing documents to court to justify if, you could leave because his favorite color is red and you hate that. OP, this guy is bad news. Leave him, don’t want to? Delete the post because obviously you don’t care enough to actually take the advice you asked for.

  13. Him breaking his phone means he cheated 100%.

    Not only that but probably a lot of worse stuff that he was *desperate* for you to not see.

    No, he didn’t break his phone out of anger at you. He broke it to ensure you wouldn’t see anything.

  14. WAKE UP GIRL! He literally broke his phone instead of showing you, regardless if it was out of anger (as you have mentioned) stop grasping and find some self respect and get yourself a man and not a little bitch cheater!

  15. Uhhh why would you want to be with this person? I would never want to be in a relationship with someone who hides their phone from me. Let alone breaks it so I don’t see what’s on it. That’s a dealbreaker and I walk away at that point.

  16. Even if he didn’t cheat (seems like he may have though) you expressed boundaries about his flirting and he dismissed them. Nvm the red flag about breaking his phone, regardless of it was to hide something or out of anger.

    You already have enough reason to walk away. I get wanting confirmation, but if he still won’t respect your boundaries to ensure there is trust he isn’t a good boyfriend.

  17. My ex had that issue.

    My EX.

    Secrets are not allowed. Period.

    My wife has had my codes from day one. If I was up to ANYTHING she didn’t like I had a choice (my choice). Give it up or give up her. There’s no way in hell I’m giving her up so it was an easy choice.

    Also there wasn’t much she didn’t like but I did ask her to delete images I shouldn’t have on my phone if someone else were to see them by accident.

    I don’t need any of that shit from when I was single any more. I mean, why would I? Unless I’m secretly unhappy, nothing is more interesting or important than my one true love.

    🔴 (period)

  18. You are responsible for your actions.

    He is responsible for his actions.

    He broke his phone to prevent you from knowing something, but that telegraphs exactly what it is he’s hiding. Time to go.

  19. You look so dumb rn and you don’t even realize it. Dump him. You’ll look back on this and realize.

  20. Wow that’s mondo defensive / aggressive / evasive and manipulative to have broken his phone so you can’t access it and then to have blamed it on you. I honestly don’t think there would be anyone who I would warrant as being worth my time after an incident like that. You deserve to be able to have a discussion with him or you deserve to be with a mature adult. Adios little tip toeing tantrum throwing telephone trasher!

  21. Do you actually want advice? Cause it sounds like you’re just here to complain considering everyone’s saying the same thing and you still have your fingers in your ears.

  22. You need to get a grip, woman.

    He’s flirting with another woman- RED FLAG #1
    Insists there’s no harm flirting with another woman- RED FLAG #2
    He’s acting secretive with his communications- RED FLAG #3
    He refusing to reassure you that he’s not doing anything- RED FLAG #4
    He broke his phone to keep you from looking at suspicious shit- RED FLAG #5
    He blames you, saying it’s your fault- RED FLAG #6

    He’s cheating, he’s lying, he’s blaming you for his behavior, and disrespecting you. Do you really need more proof?

    I would have left if my boyfriend did everything I listed above, because that’s massively disrespectful and gross. You deserve better than constantly questioning your boyfriend’s fidelity.

  23. Why post about needing advice but decide to be so blatantly ignorant to obvious signs of him cheating? No one would break their phone unless it has something incriminating and thats the last thing they could do. You are quite literally playing dumb.

  24. How about you make a post that asks… if your girlfriend asked to see your phone, would you break it instead of letting her see it?

    The answer would be a resounding NO.

    Stop making excuses.

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