So this guy that I went on 4 dates with earlier this year has been txting me non-stop. I block him on messenger, I get a message request on instagram after a few days, I block that account, and a couple days later I get a FB message request, and the list goes on :/

The wierd thing was that he wasn’t really that into me while we were dating. We met through our parents and at the time he was also dating a woman who he boosted was a doctor. I was cool with that, afterall, we hadn’t made a commitment.

He didn’t really try too hard throughout the short relationship. I probably should have stopped it after the first date but my anxiety was acting up and I persisted 🤦‍♀️

Eventually, his flippant attitude made me decide I shouldn’t waste my time trying to make anything work and I broke it off over text and moved on.

Now after about a month of silence he is desperate to get another date??? I’m sort of seething bc I have a feeling his Doctor Date didn’t work out and now he is desperate to actually try making it work with me now. Too bad 🤷‍♀️

  1. Continue blocking the accounts and not interacting with him at all. He’ll get tired of it eventually.

  2. Lol dating is wild! There was one guy who I briefly dated for like 4 months, but things were not serious. then he moved across the country and we didn’t say we’d stay together (he also wasn’t even my boyfriend) so after not hearing much from him after a few weeks after him moving I just decided to move on. I mean what was the point of doing long distance when we we’re never official anyways and I was over it by that point. Then he kept trying to contact me to hang out when he came to visit my city, I made it clear I was in a relationship and not interested. So I did NOT ghost. He was like ok sure I get that. Then he messaged me around once a month on various different platforms for several YEARS, now he’s blocked on everything and I’m honestly terrified of running into him in my city (I know he regularly visits here and also other nearby towns which I go to as well). It’s such a nightmare sometimes… I know how you feel

  3. Damn that happened to me, I kept blocking him but he kept making new accounts to harass me. He wouldn’t leave me alone until I figured out I could turn my location off on the app so he couldn’t find me anymore

  4. >So this guy that I went on 4 dates with earlier this year has been txting me non-stop.

    Wow… can you say “clingy and desperate”?


    >I’m sort of seething bc I have a feeling his Doctor Date didn’t work out and now he is desperate

    I was thinking the same thing.

    Just ignore him.

    He had his chance, and blew it.

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