Throaway because he’s an avid redditor.


For context, he and I are LDR so communicate a lot through text and video call. Because of the distance though there’s not much we can do sexually. We’ve done some cheeky stuff over video call, but this isn’t often though… maybe like once a month. And sometimes I send him some frisky photos – even rarer, like every 2-3 months or so. When we video call I don’t mind changing in front of him after a shower and sometimes I playfully flash him but it’s not a regular occurrence either.


Anyway, last week or so I felt kinda playful and took some nudes for him. I thought they were pretty! And tasteful, I was super confident. They took a lot of work with the lighting and posing, etc. I wanna make it look special and different every time. All I got from him was a “Thanks” and he just kind of went on talking about his day. I entertained it for a bit, cuz I thought maybe he was just busy at the time. But he hadn’t brought up later when we video called, or even the day after. Like he just never talked or commented about it again.


After that I just felt extremely self conscious about my body. Maybe he’s bored with it now? I started wearing bras when we video called and just avoided the camera whenever I had to change or anything like that. I think he’s begun to notice, and I do want to bring it up. I’m just not sure how to without sounding super pathetic, haha.

  1. Sexting never did anything for me. I kind of respond the same way to nudes unless I am in the mood or we are actively playing.

    I would bring it up with him gently. “Did you not like my pics I put a lot of wok into them and it kinda huts my feelings that you gave a one word response.”

  2. That sucks. You put yourself out there and you feel disappointed with the enthusiasm he showed about it.

    Does he request nudes? How often do you guys see each other face to face?

    How does he typically react to seeing you nude? Does he compliment your body?

    Guys can be dumb and it’s possible he really enjoyed it but is just trying to play it cool.

    It wouldn’t hurt to bring up the subject and ask him if he liked the photos and gauge his reaction.

    How long have you guys been in a LDR? Is there a time when you can anticipate being together?

    I would stop sending nudes to him and stop being naked on video calls if I were you.

    Save that for when you are together

  3. My ex would do this for me too. Or give the most generic responses ever. I don’t think you should feel self conscious. It’s more a reflection of them than you. That being said it would be worthwhile to communicate that it hurt in some form that all you got was a thanks. Especially being long distance and not being able to have many of the physical affirmations that they enjoy you and how you look

    It’s normal to feel disheartened, but hopefully you guys are able to communicate in a healthy manner about this.

    If he makes you feel bad about your body though you shouldn’t put up with it

  4. Would he usually be exited about getting nudes? I’m thinking there could be a lot on his mind, since you said he went on about his day. I mean, he did thank you. But the lack of enthusiasm would probably have made me self conscious as well. How does he usually act with requesting such things? Since you said he’d noticed you’ve kept on your bra’s

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