Hi everyone!
Theres this girl in uni that I started chatting with 1 year ago, we helped each other out via discord but didn’t reallly meet each other because of social restriction and some other stuff. But still we somehow became real online friends. She sent me memes, her favorite tracks, I send her stuff too and we chatted really nicely. I mean we have over 16k messages in our chat so yeah.
In the beginning she sometimes asked whether I was at the lecture too but didnt ask me if I wanted to go there with her too. Or when we once met randomly in a exercise class she later on asked me via chat if that was me in the class she worked with but she didnt do anything about it. Whenever I offered her to meet sometime she said something like “oh yeah sure we can do that” but it never turned out to happen and she never initially asked. As I experienced a lot of social trauma I had and still have a lot of struggles interpreting peoples actions. I always feel unwanted etc.
Now lately we met a few times in uni as the new semester started, I asked her if she wanted to go to the lectures together and she said yes. Now shes always with her friendsgroup, mainly guys.
For the last few times I joined in and really tried to be social and talk to her friends etc. But I always feel out of place. Before the second lecture I said something like “well then we’ll see each other tomorrow. Of course if its cool for you all that I joyn you again”. And she was like “yes of course” and then described the exact spot they were sitting and how I could find her etc.
Still she never really initiates any conversation with me. Theres just a kind hi and bye. And when I try to talk about something her responses are kind of abrupt. I feel like I’m forcing myself on to her. Now whats so confusing to me is that most of the times she will text me first, sending me another track she finds dope or some other stuff about uni or she will ask me for help about certain things. Sometimes she even just texts me how hard uni is or idk she remembered my birthday for an entire year and texted me for my birthday just two months ago. (I usually dont have that many people that remember it so thats kind of special for me yk)
Today I asked if she wanted to go to a class together and she said yeah shes going there with her friends group.
My big problem is that I believe that if you really wanna be around someone you’ll say stuff like “yeah Im going there with my group so we can go there all together” or “sorry I can’t make it this time but how about we meet some other day, next week maybe?”
Just being active, yk.
(As one might already assume, I developped a crush on her.)
My question now is, what do you guys think about this? Do you have any advice ?
I can’t properly interpret this situation. I struggled with a lot of selfisolation and selfsabotage etc in the past and I’m really trying to fix my social life.
If it was for me I’d block everyone and ignore them. I’d move to another city and try to forget about all of it. (I actually did this last time)
But I know that it’s my responsibility to fix my problems so I am trying to get your advice.
Thank you !

1 comment
  1. Don’t have any experience on the field but she seems to be putting you aside, like a in case of my relationship going wrong I got him to help me yknow

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