How is dating in your late 20s vs early 20s?

  1. I was more optimistic and dived straight into it when I was younger, now I’m much more cautious and guarded. Still have great relationships. Just I don’t jump straight in like I used to and take things slower.

  2. Late 20s after some relationships and dealing with the modern dating market: It’s over and I’m either wanted for my looks, emotional resources, money or some combination of the above and not who I am and I can’t take betrayal, the games, and the absolutely mercenary dating game anymore. I’ll just get abandoned for the next man whenever it’s convenient for the person. I’m not the type of man women want and I’m done trying to be. Now I just cope and try to self-improve but it’ll have to be for me and not for them for my own survival.

    Early 20s before relationships and dating: I had hope and genuinely believed I could find someone who loves me for who I am and supports me through the dark times in my life.

  3. Imagine going to the circus as a kid. Now imagine going to the circus as an adult.

    Same show. Different clowns. Only now they’re a lot less scary.

  4. Fewer college girls when you’re in your late 20s. Every now and then you’ll go on a date with someone on their early 20s and you’ll be annoyed by the maturity gap and bump up your tinder range by a couple of years.

  5. These comments make me feel uneasy. It sounds like a lot of you got kicked out of the dating pool. Why? Is it physical, financial, emotional????

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