What was the most uncomfortable thing you’ve had to do out of politeness?

  1. I had a sub working with me in a classroom full of young children, as my co-teacher was out sick:
    This sub proceeds to talk about herself in front of the children, saying inappropriate things about her mental health, how her late husband’s parents are going to sue her, crying about her depression about her husband’s passing…. Keep in mind, this lady is emotionally unloading onto a stranger, (aka me) in front of several children, for the whole afternoon.. it was so uncomfortable and inappropriate, it was near impossible for me to teach as she just kept talking about herself, and because they were all traumatic things that this woman was going threw, I felt bad..I kept trying to change the subject onto the lessons and the children, but this new sub just wasn’t getting it..

    It taught me that some people just don’t understand social cues or norms, btw, I am 29 and she’s 52, at a certain point.. age really doesn’t matter, some people are who they are.

    Remember ladies, you are nobody’s therapist, especially in the workplace, and especially in front of children .

  2. Kissing aunts and uncles on their cheeks to greet them and say goodbye. I absolutely hated it but my parents forced me to do it every single occasion there was.

  3. This is very recent.

    I took my daughter to the out of hours GP at the hospital because she wasn’t well, because that waiting room is small we have to wait in a&e for a receptionist to call us over to the GP.

    Well this woman was sat next to us and she said she’d been there for 20 hours so I was like “damn that’s a long time” she then proceeded to tell me (and literally any new person who walked in) about her terrible marriage, her mental health problems, the reason she was in a&e which was *very* personal and I just didn’t know wtf to do so I sat and nodded my head.

  4. The most recent thing that comes to mind is sticking it out on a very unpleasant first date with a match from Bumble.

  5. It used to be making small talk with my mother-in-law. We don’t speak anymore thankfully.

  6. My new neighbour came to my house and unloaded about how her partner had sex with his side piece on the floor of her soon to be born baby’s room.

  7. Probably ghosting- its not always done to hurt the person and its only after like 1-3 dates and I realize I dont think I’ll ever be attracted to the person. I stopped ghosting people along the way and feel bad for those I have done it to. I guess when I started getting ghosted myself, I felt how those people felt about me lol.

  8. Having to help one acquaintance with shaving his back… When I think about it now, I realise that maybe he wanted to have sex, but luckily he turned out to be normal enough not to rape me. I had quite a dark youth 🤦‍♀️

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