So, this girl (25F) and myself(27M) met on our first week or so of law school after she asked for my notes. We hit it off pretty well as she is a very friendly person. She became part of the study group and eventually after a few semesters, we decided that it would be a good idea to becomes roommates as it would save us both a lot of money. We are both single and she has said the infamous “you’re like a brother,” line (without me making any moves, or indicating ANY interest). I have my flings and so does she, but neither of us have taken the steps to actually commit to those “flings.” Everyone and their mothers says it’s bound to happen and while I deny it religiously, I have grown curious as to if it’s actually a possibility.


  1. Possibility? Maybe would need to know how she feels for a true answer there.

    Though if nothing is happened after this long I find it unlikely.

  2. Bro by your own admission she already friend zoned you AND she smashes other guys in front of you.

    So to answer your question no it will not go further

  3. Maybe it’ll happen after you graduate, but you’re roommates now, so why ruin it? Go smash some more flings. You should have plenty to distract you.

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