Hi. So I’m a freshman in college. I recently met this boy and he is really charming. We went on a few dates. He slept over. He’s introduced me to all his friends. He makes time for me and he’s extremely smart and perfect…. One small problem. I was looking through his Instagram likes and clicked on a girls profile. On her profile there were photos of him and her in high school and the date of when they started dating. THE GUY I AM DATING HAS A LONG DISTANCE GIRLFRIEND!! What do I do? We have slept together and everything. This is ridiculous. Maybe he’s afraid to break up with her? I don’t know.

  1. You decide whether you will stay or leave. Then you have a conversation about it with him. Then you proceed as initially planned

  2. This is problematic.

    I would ask him about it because you don’t want to be a side bitch.

  3. confront him. make him tell her n if he doesn’t, you tell her yourself. then cut ur losses w him, u both deserve better.

  4. Personally, I’ve blown up their lives. Lying is an immediate deal breaker. Not only would I confront them, I’d contact their spouse.

  5. Welcome to Freshman Year!

    This is “normal”. You will break up with him, he will eventually break up with the girl back home, he’ll try and get you back because pussy, and before you know it it will be summer.

  6. Are you sure they are a thing? Like this sounds like your making very unclear assumptions.

  7. Wait time out im confused here, so there’s pictures from high school days so how are you sure they’re dating now now

    Could be an ex? Then she just never took them down?

    Or is it like she posted an anniversary pic or something recently. In that case yeah run

  8. Walk away. That flag is neon red with flashing lights and sirens around it. Learn from this, but definitely walk away. Know your worth.

  9. It’s over.

    Confront him, and also tell his long distance girlfriend. I’m willing to bet this wasn’t the first time he’s done this to her.

  10. You’ve found out a bloke you’re dating has a GF, ummm, stop dating him & tell him to fuck off, if he’s doing this to his current gf then he’ll do it to u also, do urself a favour & get out of that shit storm & find urself a real bloke that’ll focus on u & u alone mate.

  11. Stop dating him.

    You are currently the side chick.

    “Maybe he’s afraid to break up with her? ”

    Read what typed several times think about it and then break up with him.


    That is if they are still dating.

    Based off your responses in this thread that’s still up in the air. You could always

    1. contact the girl to find out

    2. Ask his friends about it since you said he introduced you to them.


  12. Just ask him and show the man what you saw. Just be mature about it and if you don’t like that he is dating someone else just tell him you can’t do this. It’s not complicated. Just new for you

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