Caught myself often scrolling down the threads in this sub to just see if other people from my country would answer the same things and then move on. Sometimes I’d still read other interesting answers obviously but I don’t most of the time. How about you?

  1. pretty much my reading order on this sub is:

    1. the post

    2. quick scroll to see if someone from PL has commented and add my few cents if i feel like it. (i pref when each country has it’s own comment tree, i don’t like creating new ones)

    3. read the rest

  2. Yes.
    Especially when the question in not about specific person (like this one) but rather about whole country AND I’m considering writing the answer by my own.

    I check if there is an answer, and if there is, is it accurate in my opinion.

  3. Of course I do. I’m not a historian or an expert in politics so if someone from my country has already given a better quality answer than I can possibly hope to provide, then I usually won’t provide another top-level response. If there’s something I want to add I just reply to their response.

  4. Most of the time, I’ll scroll to check what my fellow citizens have said, especially if it’s a topic I’m not that knowledgeable in. If I have something to add, I’ll do that. If it’s a fun topic, I’ll read more of the other countries’ answers, especially fellow nordics.

  5. I do tend to look for my fellow compatriots first and am usually surprised how different their view is to mine and will comment if I don’t think it is representative.. After that I read the rest.

  6. Honestly that’s the main thing I’ve been doing in this sub, go to answer from someone from my country and read it, and afterwards I usually read other responses also though.

  7. I do that to make sure somebody from my country didn’t already gave a proper answer to a non-subjective question (like language questions) to avoid repetition.

  8. Mostly to see if someone has already answered the question, so I can avoid writing something redundant, or maybe add something.

  9. Yes…but more importantly, how do I get the little 🇵🇱Poland under my name like you all have?

  10. I look if a German person has answered and if so if you can add something.

    But I also read the first few comments from other countries and upvote the ones that put in a good effort.

  11. Seeing that no finn has yet answered, I will answer as the representative of Finland, and my answer is yes. Yes I do scroll down to take a look if any finns have answered yet and if I can add something of value to the answer.

  12. Yes but there’s barely any Catalans on this sub, so I’m just curious to see if they have showed up at all.

  13. Yeah, absolutely. I want to see if I can add more detail, or if my fellow countryfolk have said all that needs to be said.

  14. I recently started becoming more interested in these threads, and often my country’s answer isn’t even here. I scroll all the way to maybe find a Latvian answer first and maybe elaborate on the point, but usually without luck.

  15. Nope, I’m more interested in what other countries think about certain things. Opinions of Austrians I get more than I want anyway.

  16. I read first those from the countries where I’ve lived or know enough about to compare their views with my perspective.

  17. We’re a small subgroup, so I usually just hop into a German’s or Austrian’s response. The DACH folks tend to have a similar outlook on things

  18. If I feel moved to respond I’ll scroll to see if an irish person has already replied. But I am primarily here to learn everyday stuff about other countries. Cheaper than travelling 😌

  19. I check the answers from countries I’m interested in first (UK, Bulgaria, Germany, Belgium etc.) and then scroll to see if there’s any Dutch answer. If I disagree with it or if I think I have something to add, I’ll comment below the previous Dutch answer or I might make a comment on my own. I also scroll to see if I see any familiar users whose answers I usually find interesting.

  20. Yes, there’s often questions that I don’t know the answer to so I scroll to see if anyone from Finland answered so I can learn something new about my country 😂

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