What does “Redneck” means?

  1. Possibly a result of pellagra, but more likely a result of sunburn, redneck, first attested to in 1830, is a disparaging term for a poor and poorly educated person who made a living by working outside.

  2. Originally people that worked outside for a living and their necks got sunburned.

    Nowadays it generally means rural working or middle class people that have a lot of shared culture that is generally considered “country.”

    It’s kind of complex. It can be used as an insult or as a point of pride or just a way to kindly describe the way someone is.

    Edit: As a foreigner you should be very cautious about using it or not use it at all. Someone who proudly calls themselves a redneck might not appreciate being called one by a foreigner that doesn’t know them. I have friends that I would describe as rednecks and they like that description when it comes from me because I know them. From a stranger they would bristle especially if it sounds condescending.

  3. A poor rural person who isn’t very educated, generally from the American South. The term originated from the red sunburnt necks of outdoor laborers.

  4. It is a derogatory term primarily used to describe poor white people who appear to be unsophisticated, in rural areas, typically the US southeast. Similar terms include hillbilly and white trash.

  5. “Redneck” is a derogatory (or used to be derogatory before it was somewhat co-opted by the people it refers to) term referring to working-class white people in America who live in rural areas.

    The stereotype is that the person is uneducated and ignorant and into things like guns and racing cars.

  6. Working/middle class people who live in rural America that do stereotypical American stuff. Like shoot guns, drive trucks, hunt, fish, shoot fireworks, drink cheep beer and in general have a good time.

  7. People who love outdoors and the simple things in life. Mostly just good honest people who want to live and let live. I grew up around them, hell, “I are one” we love fixing things that are broke, and holding doors. We ain’t wrong, just different. We’re the kind of people who at the drop of a hat, will drive across town to help you with something. Can sit on a porch swing for hours talking about life.
    Of course it can be derogatory in high society groups. Nose up pinky out, I’m better than you types. And yes, there are several bad eggs, just like all social classes. And they tend to get the most attention.

    If you ever get a chance at that front porch conversation, try it. Take it in (especially if it’s with an old timer) they usually have great stories.

  8. Just another word for people who live out in the country. Some people try to use it as insult but it doesn’t bother me getting called a redneck. Better than being a city boy i say.

  9. It came into use in the ‘60’s when the hippies needed a hair related designation for all the short haired assholes who kept judging them for having long hair. It just meant the hair was short and the neck was exposed to the sun. It was the same kind of thing as “hippy”, only it was what the other team was called.

  10. It’s a derogatory term- you shouldn’t use it, but I see a lot of people giving the “polite” definition so just FYI:

    In today’s common vernacular, its basically used to mean “idiot southerner who probably flies a confederate flag, drives a pickup truck, loves donald trump and jesus, is racist, sexist, and thinks science is fake.” Basically a collection of negative stereotypes.

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