So for a bit of my situation, I’m a 23 M virgin whos never been in a relationship and started tinder dating about a year ago. (Been on and off it during this period) I’ve been on dates with a total of 4 different girls during this time and was ghosted each instance after 1 or 2 dates.

Now a month and a half ago I met this girl (seemingly I didn’t think it’d go anywhere like the last 4) and we’ve been on a total of 5 dates the second date being where I had my first kiss. One of the reasons I want to bring up the conversation about dating exclusively is because I really like her and have never been in a relationship before. However a big part of me just wants to confirm whether shes interested in me or not. Idk whether I’m being insecure or if it’s the reality of things but a part of me feels she’s uninterested in me. I’m not even sure if it’s the appropriate time to ask since I’ve never gotten this far with anyone before and my friends are just as inexperienced so I can’t really ask them.

For context, for the first 4 weeks she was being very forward with me, asking me sexual questions, constantly saying how she likes to mess around on dates, etc. I told her that I didn’t have any sexual experience and she said it didn’t bother her. For the first 4 dates we’ve been kinda messing around; no actual sex just cuddling and making out and she even gave me a hand-job on the 4th date. Now recently for the last two dates, I’ve constantly been hearing her mention that’s she’s not in the mood to do stuff. We still cuddle but when I asked her to make out once she said she wasn’t in the mood and it would be too “intimate”.

The reasons I think she might still be interested is as far as texting goes we’ve still been texting each other almost every day and she responds an hour latest every time. And from what I can tell it’s not like she’s uninterested in talking to me. Also Last week I brought up staying in a hotel after a date in which she asked if I was “expecting sex”. I said “not really although I do want it”. She said after that she doesn’t mind staying in a hotel with me and just needs to think of a good time. There was also one instance a couple nights ago where she texted me she was “bored” which to me is a good sign.

Ik this is long but I wanted to give as much context as possible. I really like her and am not sure when or how to bring up the exclusivity talk. Ik that she’s texting others guys as well but we talked about that as well and told me I’m not just a number to her. How should I go about this? Ik there’s a chance she might say it’s not going to work out but I have to say something I think

As a guy with no romantic/sexual experience is it appropriate for me to ask a girl I’ve been on 5 dates with to date exclusively especially when I have a slight feeling she’s uninterested in me. And how do I go about it? Through text, in person, or some other way

  1. It wouldn’t hurt to ask. Just bring it up – “how do you feel about dating exclusively and getting to know each other better?” See how she responds. Do you know if she’s wanting a LTR or casual?

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