Hi, everyone! So, my social life is basically non existent right now.

I know the only way to actually meet new people is to put myself out there and try to form connections. So, in a few days I’ll go to a sort of tournament of a board game. Is something I actually enjoy, and I think it will be good for me to go out more and change my routine a little.

Though, is basically my first time going to something like this 100% on my own. I’m not a particulary shy or bad at communication, but probably other people are going with someone else that they know (at least someone of the same city). The game is sadly individual, too (one player against the other players).

I obviously plan to try to talk to people when given the chance, but I’m not sure if I’d be able to be with someone or a group during the event. I can see myself eating alone while having lunch there, for example.

It wouldn’t be the end of the world, but obviously I’d prefer to avoid this. Should I just keep trying and try to fit in with a group of people in this escenario? Or find someone who’s in a similar 11situation and try to chat with them?

I’d apreciate some tips or just some encouragement. Thanks!

TLDR: first time going to a social event on my own. Tips to try avoid being lonely?

1 comment
  1. I had to network with strangers at events where I’d go alone, I have a few tips for you:

    * come up early, it’s easier to make acquaintances when the room isn’t full, you’re also more likely to meet people who are also alone (doesn’t matter that they’re coming alone or are just waiting for their friends)
    * smile, make eye contact, greet everyone like you own the place
    * mindset: everyone is a friend until proven otherwise
    * match the energy of the room: if everyone is quiet, be quiet; if everyone is cheerful, cheer with them: it shows social intelligence
    * don’t be the one playing against everyone else, idk what game it is but that position would defeat what you’re trying to accomplish

    If you are friendly and casually drop during a chat that you’re alone and you fear you’ll eat alone, I guarantee people will invite you… if not, there’s nothing wrong with asking to join a table, the only reason people would say no is bc they’re close-knit or want to discuss personal stuff or are introverted. Don’t take it personally.

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