What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen on Black Friday?

What’s the best deal/item you’ve gotten?

  1. I saw someone drop a TV. The craziest deal was percentage-wise, Xbox gift cards for 50% off OR flat discount, I saw TV’s $300 off.

  2. Never saw anything that crazy, but I got a 4K TV, 65″ for about $400 a few years back. It’s more common to see that now but at the time it absolutely wasn’t. At the time you’d be lucky to see one for under $1000.

  3. I use to work at Sears and I was one of the people who opened for Black Friday. It was way more boring than the internet or TV made it. But there was way more people in the store than usual.

    I don’t shop on Black Friday. Usually because I just forget about it, partially because I don’t really need anything, and kind of because I don’t have the money to buy stuff I don’t need. I was a price boy for Sears so I was the guy whenever price questions came. That store closed 5 years ago so i can’t remember all of the deals. The tool sets were usually the big salers.

  4. Craziest, people ripping wrapping to get to items, which isn’t that crazy. Most BF stuff you see online isn’t normal. BF has a lot of people going out but the fights and pushing isn’t all that common from my experience.

    Best deals I’ve gotten has been glitches. Got some Rock Band bundles for $30/each when they retail for (iirc) $250+, now going for around $1k new. That was a really good score.

  5. I’ve never been much of a Black Friday person, but my mother (also not a Black Friday person. she hates crowds) never ever lets me forget the time she waited for hours outside a Toys R Us in the rain at the crack of dawn to get me a Gameboy Color for Christmas when I was 8 years old. She claims people were passing out water, that’s how long the line was. this was enough Black Friday for my entire family. none of us have done it since.

    I wasn’t really allowed to play video games as a kid, so this was a really big deal for me. She also picked out Super Mario Bros Deluxe and Tetris, which were fantastic choices. I still have this Gameboy Color, the games, & accessories. It still works & it will probably outlive me.

  6. Someone walk out with 4 LCD TVs back when they were crazy expensive. I was a teenage working the cash register and we had a strick policy not to try and interfere. He just casually walked out….this wasn’t common back then and really caught all the employees off guard. Cop knew exactly who it was and arrested him at home like 20 minutes later.

  7. I have never shopped on BF and I never will, but I have worked it (at Best Buy).

    I had a customer shit on the floor, another one with a small child who vomited 5x around the store. The mother was too interested in “deals” and kept refusing to take the kid home till we basically forced her out. Keep in mind this is like 1am.

    A guy came in and decided he didn’t want to buy anything, but knocked every DVD off the long shelves before security kicked him out.

    People leaving all sorts of food, trash all over the floor and shelves. Finding pizza boxes, spilled soda, etc all over the electronics.

    People lining up weeks ahead of time and paying homeless people to hold their spot.

    This was in Brooklyn, NYC so we got a lot of traffic

  8. Craziest thing I have seen is long lines and traffic.

    I also don’t go out shopping on Black Friday if I can avoid it.

  9. Nothing too crazy, just long lines outside a Kohls at 4am in 20 degree Fahrenheit temperatures.

  10. Black Friday now is nothing compared to the pre-internet days, when you didn’t know the deals ahead of time, and could ONLY get one by rushing the store at opening time. That’s when people got hurt. It was humanity at a shameful moment.

  11. >What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen on Black Friday?

    Two ladies were shoplifting knives. LP saw them doing it. They called the off-duty cop hired to watch the store, he came and arrested them.

    I don’t remember if this happened on Black Friday or leading up to BF, but some dude barricaded himself in a bathroom stall once when the manager went in there to kick him out for shoplifting. Cops were called, they had to fight to get him out and he got arrested. His girlfriend also refused to leave, so the cops ran her info, found out she had a warrant and arrested her.

  12. The deals were usually really good for the first twenty people and then ho-hum for everyone else.

  13. Craziest thing … hmm I haven’t seen much craziness tbh just hear about it on tv best deal is probably the year we got like 10 tvs for 90 a piece

  14. The craziest thing I saw was people leaving their family at 5-6pm on Thanksgiving to go wait in a line until midnight to enter a store.

  15. Back in the day (like pre online shopping) Black Fri was so much fun lol. My mom called it “crazy shop” and me, my mom, and my grandma would get up at like 2am to go to places like Toys R Us, Mervyn’s (lol), and KMart. I’m aging myself I know.

    I remember one time the first like however many people got a free tv, there were always all kinds of freebies for high end makeup, we went to Wal Mart the Christmas of the Tickle Me Elmo, we went to Toys R Us the Christmas of Gameboy Color and Pokémon Yellow, we went during the Furbee craze… we were rarely looking for anything too specific because my mom worked as a sales rep for a toy company so she had already gotten the hot item of the year, so it was probably 10x more fun in that it was never stressful, but we did get to observe others losing their minds over the hot toy of the year, whatever it was that year. Oh and Italian Charm bracelets, if anyone remembers those! They were a big deal when I was like 10.

  16. My friend slept on the sidewalk in front of BestBuy once, they had sweet deals on smart TV but with very limited supply, like 70% off or something

  17. I have never seen anything crazy on Black Friday in my 48 years. Even worked retail for a while in my late teens early 20s.

  18. Craziest thing was a guy winning a gun fight with a knife. Cousins got into an argument over a parking spot after leaving the same Tha ksgiving get together. One pulled a gun, the other pulled a knife. Knife guy stabbed gun guy. I was in the parking lot when it happened but didnt see it. As for visually seeing, a woman getting her ass beat for ripping a toy out of a childs arms and pushing said child down.

    Best deal: My current mattress it was a $1500 mattress that I got for $600

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