Been talking to an exchange student (a guy) for 3 weeks now. We had a study date set last Thursday. He cancelled because he needed to go help his uncle with his cousins, who lives in the town on the other side of the river since he was sick. Then, no news of a date.

Tuesday, I asked him why he’s still at his uncle’s – he said because he has exams this week at one of his universities (he’s enrolled in 3 unis), and he takes advantage of the warm meals so he can focus on exams and not spend time cooking. Fair enough, but what about me?

i texted him: “look I enjoy talking to you, and im interested in meeting you, but it doesn’t seem like you want to meet me. If that’s the case, it’s ok, just let me know” He wrote me a huge paragraph in which he said how I was one of the only people with who he got close here, how people don’t write poems for people they don’t like (he wrote me a poem), and how he’s so busy with school and that the only highlights of his day are talking to his best friends, his family, and me. We scheduled a date for next Friday since he’s sick with Covid now (I guess that’s what the uncle had, even though my guy told me “it might be hypertension”).

The “date”? Me coming to his place. He has a hall/chilling area in his residence where we were supposed to study last week so I assume that’s where I’m being invited to again.

Look guys. Take out and talking in the hall of his residence, or upstairs with his roommate is fun, but not my idea of a date. He definitely seems very interested in me, we have emotionally intimate conversations, he texts me often, checks up on me, etc.

But am I tripping or is this such a low-effort date? Yes. He’s in 3 universities, so he’s busy, yes, I did say I didn’t want a relationship, but I’ve been WAY warmer this past week (Im kind of changing my mind about wanting a relationship). I would like for him to take me out, am I crazy for that? Am I wasting my time with this guy, what do you think is going on, if anything?

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