I have noticed in a lot of tv shows and books I’ve read that most of the people would just shower the night before and only brush their teeth and comb their hair in the morning.

  1. Either way is common. Some people shower at night, some people shower in the morning; I tend to shower in the morning because the routine wakes me up.

  2. It depends. Showering at nights is more common from my experience in colder climates.

    In Arizona if you only shower at night you’d be fucking smelly as shit in the middle of the day.

  3. Some people naturally run warmer, so it makes sense that they would prefer showering in the morning.

  4. totally depends on your routine and where you live. if you come home from some sort of after school practice sweaty as hell, you’re probably an evening shower person. morning showers work better for some people who have more time in the mornings.

    as long as you’re showering regularly, it doesn’t really matter what time of the day you do it.

  5. Some do, some don’t.

    I’ve noticed that if it’s a day to look extra nice, it’s a dress shower. On nights where you’ve been sweaty, it’s a shower before bed to avoid the bed getting sweaty.

  6. Like for most adults, showering is a day or night thing. There’s no right answer — really depends on your job. If you work a dirty job where you’re sweating, probably night. If you work an office job where you need to look clean and fresh, probably morning.

    But teens are strange humans and they’ll tend to do whatever makes them comfortable. I don’t expect my kid (6) to shower in the morning. But once he hits puberty, you bet.

  7. I always preferred to shower right when I got home from school/work/whatever. Sometimes my schedule means I end up showering right before bed, but I never ever shower in the morning.

  8. Legit question: do people in other country universally showed at the same time?

    Like, I can understand if there only water at a certain time or something, but how would you know if everyone in any given county all shower around the same time?

  9. Some people have a routine that they stick to, but other people shower whenever it’s convenient for them. We don’t have any cultural expectation that everybody will hop in the shower at the same time. I never look at the clock and say “oh, it’s shower time.” For me it could be morning, afternoon, evening. Any time can be shower time. This is a freedom guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States of America.

  10. When I grew up with five people in a house with one bathroom, we’d have to stagger shower times. Some people showered at night, some in the morning.

  11. I’m a morning shower person. I sometimes sweat in my sleep, my hair can get greasy, or I otherwise stink.

  12. I shower at night because I don’t like laying in bed with all the gunk and germs my body has accumulated throughout the day.

  13. I never showered in the morning before school. Both of my parents, my brother, and sister were all morning showerers, so I took mine right before bed. This meant I could take my time and enjoy it, as well as having hot water. It is also really good for helping with insomnia issues, which I have had most of my life.

    These days I still usually shower at night, but occasionally in the morning, not to mention showers when I just need them (I garden a lot, so I often need to wash dirt off mid-day.)

  14. Both are common. Some people who play sports after school shower at night so they don’t go to bed stinky

  15. For my family it’s common to shower in the morning and before bed. Start the day fresh and wash clean before bed. I sleep better knowing I’m not rubbing dust,sweat, or whatever else got on me into my bed.

  16. The USA is 300+million people, I don’t remember a meeting where we decided when to shower. Allot of people shower at night allot shower in the morning, and some people even probably do both. Me personally I shower at night and just get rinse off in the shower in the morning to wake up

  17. If you’re a construction you shower after work if you’re in the office building your shower before work

  18. Guys I’m seeing a trend here so may I please clarify.

    1. This question was not to say one country is more hygienic than the other. I was just surprised by the fact that in America you don’t really have to shower in the morning if you showered at night. And from what I gathered here it’s that when you shower is not important as long as you shower. But in South Africa showering in the morning is important it’s the norm.

    2. I then made an analogy of Americans and shaving. From what I have noticed on TV and from reading books it seems Americans prefer to not have body hair (especially females). This to an average South African might be odd since hair on the legs, a little mustache and a unibrow don’t have to be shaved or waxed. It’s a matter of preference rather than the norm. (I stand corrected on this because it was just an observation from representation in the media).

    3. I saw that some people think when I say morning I meant one standard time, NO. Think of it as brushing your teeth, most people brush their teeth every morning and that’s the norm. If you meet someone at the mall or wherever it’s safe to assume they had already brushed their teeth. Doesn’t mean everyone did it but that’s the norm.

    4. I wasn’t trying to offend anyone, I was just asking so if you took offense that wasn’t my intention.

    5. Some people have said I’m lying and it’s impossible and could it be that we all had a meeting somewhere under a tree and agreed on this. No there was no meeting, it is just what we are accustomed to. Like brushing our teeth in the morning.

    6. I am South African and you can choose not to believe what I’m saying that’s fair. But just keep in mind that just because something is bizarre for you doesn’t mean it’s automatically false. Ask in the South Africa subreddit, you are more than welcome to do that.

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