My boyfriend (16) and I (F16) are both virgins, but we have oral sex and we perform reciprocal masturbation. Anal masturbation as well. And I’m the one who receives it. The thing is, when he pulls his finger(s) out of my anus, most of the times they have a little blood on them (due to the poor lubrication). It doesn’t hurt and the blood flow stops as soon as it starts. Whenever it happens, I won’t have any problems for the rest of the day or the following days. My question is: is this common? Is it dangerous? We’d like to get actual lube, but we’re afraid that the cashier will ask for our identity papers or something, since we’re minors…

  1. It is very common and you are ok.
    Buying lube doesn’t require anything, no minimum age, at least where I live.
    If you don’t want to buy lube, get olive oil or coconut oil and try it out for lube .

  2. No reason to be afraid, lube and all other sexual stuff like condoms aren’t age restricted and no one will ask for an id or something. I know you get the feeling like everyone is looking at you but trust me…no one cares😋.

    As an alternative you can use olive oil or my favorite coconut oil. As long as it’s something natural you are good to go. Stay away from massage oils since they could irritate because if different additions.

    When using oils or lube it’s still important to go slow till you warm up, don’t push things just because it’s going in easier now, your body still needs to get used to it.

    If you get lube try to get water based one since they can be used with condoms as well but they will dry out faster.

    Coconut oil can be bought in a lot of food stores so it can be a “side” product you buy to something else like shampoo just in case you get anxious.

    If one of you can order stuff from an online store like Amazon you can do that as well.

  3. Go ahead and buy the lube. If the cashier asks for ID or something (which I really doubt that they will) just say that you forgot it and walk out.

  4. Lube will change your life. But since you’re 16 you might feel some sort of… Shyness if you go to buy it? There’s nothing shameful about it but if you are really that shy I recommend virgin coconut oil. It smells nice and it feels great and it’s great for anal.

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