Started dating this guy at the end of September and things moved pretty quickly, though I thought things were going very well. He introduced me to his friends and colleagues, and he was the one to initiate the talk about exclusivity. We clicked and had a really amazing time, but then he lost his job (no fault of his, the business closed) and suddenly things shifted really fast. He withdrew, although he repeatedly said that he cared for me, I started to hear from him less and he said he was quite depressed. Well, it all came to a head when I finally texted him last week that I felt the energy had changed quite suddenly. He said he felt that our feelings had started to develop at different rates and he felt quite pressured, but that he had wanted some time to allow our feelings to align. I told him I needed some space to think about things. Two days later, he texted and said he had been thinking quite a lot about our situation and wanted to talk in person, if I was up for it. I was sick, so let him know I’d prefer to talk via phone. Since then, it has been 5 days and I have heard nothing. He watches all of my Instagram stories, but hasn’t responded to me at all. I am quite confused and unsure about if I should reach out, or just consider this done? He was very forward and interested in the beginning, so I feel very surprised by how quickly things have changed. What to do?

1 comment
  1. Do not reach out and I would block him from ig, why does he get a sneak peek into your life without taking the effort to communicate in real life? He cant meet the bare minimum.

    You should feel confused because his behavior is confusing and unattractive. Move on because it looks like you guys want different things.

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