And if your answer is “getting wasted”, what do you enjoy about it and why?

They why may be tricky.

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  2. The flavor. I don’t drink to get drunk anymore, so if I’m having an alcoholic drink, it’s because that’s the drink that sounded good to me.

  3. I love good beer, good wine and good whiskey. Those are more complex flavors than you will find in a NA beverage.

  4. Getting out of the couch is great. I love being somewhere drinking a beer and knowing I don’t miss my house.

  5. As an introvert, I enjoy the pleasant, relaxing buzz that helps me open up and be more social. (However, I don’t like crossing the line into being drunk.)

  6. People like me. Like, *REALLY* like me. I’m night and day compared to not drinking. I’m far too reserved in normal life and for someone that rarely ever drinks (maybe 1-2 times a year), it’s a funny contrast in a way

  7. I struggle with anxiety and getting buzzed makes me feel better. I don’t drink very much at all but, especially in the summer, there’s this park literally next to my house–I share a property line with it–and it’s nice to make a mixed drink (so it’s not obviously a beer or something) and go sit on a bench and listen to the birds and the wind in the trees.

  8. I drink mostly out of loneliness. Every night I am here on reddit with a glass of whiskey. If my gf were here I would be sober. We would be doing something else together, playing cards teaching me ballet, banging, cooking dinner together, etc. If the archery range I used to dedicate myself to didn’t shut down due to the pandemic, I would be there.

    But if I am left alone with no obligations, I’ll drink and play on the internet. When I’ve had enough to drink, I’ll watch YouTube videos while eating dinner.

    Before you call me an alcoholic, let me tell you if I have to be up at 4 am because I have to be at work at 6 am, that is not a problem. When I had to study to get professional certifications, the booze was shelved.

    I can leave the bottle if I have something better to do, no doubt. I have considered leaving my woman of 16 years in the hopes I might find someone who is more present. But that would take years at my age. So how would I cope in the meantime? Might turn for the worse. Not sure I want to go down that road.

  9. The first and only time I got drunk was on November 23rd, 2017.

    I was in a hotel room and it was Thanksgiving. My father was in the hospital after having cardiac arrest on the 20th and was transported out of town to a different hospital. My mom and I were told on the 22nd that my dad wasn’t going to wake up.

    On Thanksgiving, my mom went to the hospital to visit my dad. My dad’s recovering alcoholic cousin came up to visit us and he decided to go off the wagon. He got a big bottle of Jim Beam. While he slept, I drank a shit load of Jim Beam in order to pass out. I didn’t want to deal with my dad’s impending death.

    For a moment, I enjoyed drinking. I temporarily forgot my pain.

    Then I woke up with a hangover and I realized that drinking just amplifies mental pain.

    I enjoyed drinking for a couple of hours while I passed out. I didn’t enjoy it after. So much so I haven’t had a drink in years nor have I gotten drunk since that night.

  10. Escapism, turning off the stress from work, being more sociable, checking out, etc. Are these things not obvious?

  11. I’m 22 so still young ofcourse, but my weeks are incredibly busy and planned. Time for myself almost doesn’t exist. Mo/friday i go to school and study. My girlfriend works in the village i live so she stays from tuesdays till thursday morning. Friday i have a long school day so i’ll be home late, go to the gym and buy food for next days work. Saturdays i get up ar 05:30 am to go to work, i deliver fish around the country and usually my workday ends at 18:00pm. Then i go home freshen up and just get drunk or drink with friends to celebrate the end of the week.

    Edit: i forgot to add gym on most days. Anyway: atleast 3 times to the gym during the week.

  12. For that warm fuzzy feeling you get. When I feel like that, I have the false sense that everything is gonna be alright

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