Hey guys,

Someone who was on my course has sold their assignments online and I found this out as when I googled my name it came up.

Turns out they have included majority of our courses names and emails and this is all in the document that is public. None of us gave them permission to sell this information or post it online. The information is now public as it is included in the preview pages.

None of us worked on this assignment so I am unsure as to why all of information is on there.

I asked them to take it down and they have agreed to.
Is this legal and should I be reporting him to the university?

  1. not sure if it is illegal too ell them but sure is illegal for anyone to use them. If it were me would report it to th eUni

  2. It’s probably not illegal.

    It may be a breach of the university’s rules, and it’s possible that it is a breach of data protection rules on the pet of the company selling on the assignment and disclosing your email addresses etc.

    You know about this assignment. If there were any you did work on I would report it to the university as you don’t want to risk them thinking you sold it.
    If not it’s up to you- I don’t think there’s anything wrong with reporting it but equally I don’t think you have an obligation to do so either

  3. Is this a course you are running or a course you are taking part in?
    It certainly would be a gdpr breach if peoples personal info is being shared without their consent,
    Your educational body could likely consider it a serious act of plagiarism(which includes sharing your own workfor others to use, not just copying other people’s), which whilst possibly not illegal would certainly result in disciplinary action.

    You should absolutely report the person, even if anonymously. I’d be furious if a peer at uni shared my contact info online without my consent

  4. Unless you signed a contract stating you can have your email address shown publicly, then it is illegal. Then sharing your personal details without consent breaks GPDR rules.

    Edit; didn’t realise it was a student who shared this, not the university.

  5. I sold some of my AS Level coursework on eBay back in 2005. One of the Paypal accounts that paid had an address in Kensington somewhere which when I Googled was the offices of the Daily Mail.

    Never heard any more about it and probably only made £90 off the whole thing.

  6. You should report the person to cover your own back. Universities have software to check for plagiarism, so anyone buying an assignment will be quickly identified as an existing work and possibly these people will also be kicked out.

  7. Not illegal, but could invalidate any certificates issued based on it.

    Also there’s a GDPR aspect of this too

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