what do you crave the most?

  1. Emotional and physical intimacy. Snuggles, cuddles, making love, do me naughty sex, emotional connection in every single aspect, not having to have to ask for things to be done, just seeing they need done and doing them,. Not being expected to still cook and clean while sick..granted it’s just a cold but I easily go from cold to bronchitis to pneumonia

  2. tbh physical touch, I would love to have someone beside me in bed right now just holding my hand or whatever

  3. Hard seltzer.

    In all seriousness, peace. Peace with myself, my life, my choices, my decisions. Just that feeling of being at peace.

  4. Most of the time? Sleep and good feedback on my test scores.

    Definitely intimacy. The mountains. Cheesecake.

  5. absence of stress, anxiety and pain

    career fulfillment – doing what i like and having people appreciate and learn from it

    stable finances, so i have enough to live and play

    loving, warm, like-minded, intelligent and passionate friend circle

    giving, kind, understanding, warm romantic relationship

    eventually children

    and above all, good memories and growth/wisdom

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