Do you like to receive bad news sugarcoated or bluntly? Why?

  1. There’s a difference between sugarcoating and showing some empathy and being compassionate in the delivery.

    There’s also a difference between being blunt and being a cunt.

    Just don’t be an arsehole or look like you’re enjoying the drama.

  2. Bluntly but in the right tone of voice. Don’t get my hopes up over something that’s already a lost cause.

  3. Blunt is what I’m used to, and honestly, I get annoyed with people who can’t spit stuff out.

  4. blunt, in my experience sugar coating is just lying to me and i end up being super pissed at the person who does it

  5. I only do one kind of beating around the bush and it has nothing to do with bad news. Give it to me upfront please.

  6. Depends on the kind of news it is to begin with :

    If you’re telling me you cheated on me, just be straight up about it ; I’m still going to be extremely upset with you no matter how to try to play it. Don’t waste both our time, and just get it over with

  7. Bluntly. I’m constantly telling a girlfriend to stop trying to spare my feelings and be blunt.

    I suck at guessing; don’t make me

  8. Bluntly, get to the point and rip the band aide off. You don’t need to be an asshole about it but I despise when people beat around the bush.

  9. Tell a man what is going on, don’t beat around the bush. Don’t make things more complicated then it needs to be

  10. Blunt is better, because I feel like the person who is telling me the bad news respects me enough to be honest.

  11. Blunt is fine. Deal with that shit every day at work. Sugarcoating has me guessing the details. Blunt is straight forward and gives me the details needed to deal with it.

  12. Little Johnnie’s teacher asked him how his weekend was.

    “Horribly, a car hit my dog in the ass,” he said.

    She said, “Rectum.”

    “Wrecked him?” Johnnie said. “Damn near killed him!” ”


    Bluntly, with humor if at all possible

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